Subject: I'm trying this out...

Experimenting With My First Crypto Trading "Robot"...

Every time there's a crypto bull market, all kinds of scams pop up that promise to double your money in a week.

You see them come and go, and as a result of that, you tend to automatically say, "Nope!" to anything and everything that is outside of the conservative, "buy and hold" approach which is all I've ever done.

Well over the past week, there's been a flood of promotion around a trading bot system by a guy I actually knew the name of... Dan Hollings. Dan is an old school colleague in the marking world who got into crypto trading back in 2017 as a hobby.  

Normally, I'd just ignore stuff like this, but this time the recommendations were coming from 10+ year long friends of mine Shaqir, Jon, and Jason... All multiple 8-figure entrepreneurs that I respect.

So I watched Dan's video (this one), and I'll admit it... He got me.

What he's doing is pretty brilliant.

Although it's an extremely conservative strategy making micro trades every minute, those tiny winning trades add up quickly...

What I really enjoyed most about this webinar is that he was completely transparent and showed exactly how his system works, along with the results he and his students are getting.

Now there's nothing wrong with automated trading systems themselves...

What turned me off in the past was the fact that the founders were either anonymous, or they promised ridiculous returns (which is always a bad sign), or that you didn't control your capital... (A really bad sign!)

But Dan's offer was different...

He isn't promising to double your money in a few days, and he isn't plugging you into a trading bot that he controls, and you don't have to send him any of your capital.

Simply put, Dan is showing people with ZERO trading experience, (like me), how to setup our own trading bot.

He walks you through the trading parameters that he personally uses, shows you how to connect to your exchange account, and boom. You're done.

Your bot trades directly from your account whether you use Binance, Kraken, CoinBase Pro, Gemini, or KuCoin, etc... You control everything at all times.

Now you can cash that out and pay your bills with it, or you can simply use it to accumulate a significant amount of Bitcoin over the years to come, WITHOUT having to invest more and more of your cash to do so.

You can simply let the trading bot accumulate Bitcoin for you.

I'd watch Dan's webinar and see if it makes sense for you, like it did for me...

My plan is to start small... I'll probably allocate just $1,000 or so for the first 2-4 weeks to see how it goes, and then increase that amount if we're making a profit.

The bottom line, is that if you're into crypto...

If you're looking for a way to make money if Bitcoin goes UP, or DOWN...

If you want to increase your monthly passive investment income...

And if you're a complete trading newbie like me...

Make it a Great Day!

Wisconsin, USA
952-583-1673 ( Central Time )
wayne.knapcik (Skype)

P.S. In this example, he made a 246% return in just 65 days...

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