Subject: How to sharpen your online axe...

Once upon a time, there was a lumberyard in Oregon.


Most of the lumberjacks were college athletes.


All of them were big thanks to football.


And they got even bigger by swinging axes all day long.


One day, the boss announced a competition.


"OK guys, I'm gonna give a bonus of $250 to whoever chops down the most trees today. You'll start at eight, take an hour break for lunch and continue working until five. Tomorrow, I'll announce the winner"


This revved up the boys.


Each one of them began licking his lips, thinking where he'll spend the $250.


Along with the youngsters, there was also Bill - a skinny lumberjack in his sixties.


Nobody paid him much attention.


After all, he couldn't hope to beat the boys.


At eight, everyone begins swinging their axes.


Trees are falling.


Energy is high.


But when 90 minutes went by, Bill got into a shed, came back after 15 minutes and began chopping again.


"Poor old man, he's tired," they laughed.


The chopping continues.


Another 90 minutes went by and, again, Bill did the same thing.


He kept doing so, until five where the competition ended.


The next day, every single guy thought he had won.


The boss comes over and says:


"Congrats Bill, you won by a huge margin. Here are your $250."


Everyone was like "WHAT? How can this be?"


Bill smiled and told them:


"You see, I might be the older here, but I'm also smart. Every 90 minutes, I was sharpening my axe. After all, wasn't it Lincoln who said 'If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 of those hours sharpening my axe'?"


Bill was brilliant.


And you need to adopt the same attitude online.


Most people are muscling their way through, working just hard.


But, me and my students?


We focus on working smart, a couple hours each day.


And as a result, it shows in our bank account


(Which to be honest, is a LOT bigger than a measly $250 for 8 hours of work - sorry Bill!)


To sharpen your online axe click here

Make it a Great Day!

Wisconsin, USA
952-583-1673 ( Central Time )
wayne.knapcik (Skype)

P.S. If you already know you'll NEVER have the time, the freedom, or long term wealth you're dreaming of if you stay at that soul sucking job...  You NEED this escape plan right now!

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