Subject: A Billion Dollar Idea of the past that might keep you broke today

Have you ever heard of Gary Halbert?


He was one of the greatest marketing minds of my time.


To understand how awesome he was, he once wrote a sales letter (promoting a coat of arms) that brought in hundreds of millions.


And that was back in the 70's. (If you were around then.)


Today, we'd be talking about billions!


Amazing right?


What's interesting is that Gary eventually sold the coat of arms business and moved on to other projects.


But the coat of arms idea still goes strong today.


Case in point:


I was reading a magazine article and someone advertised a coat of arms opportunity. They said that you only need a limited budget to begin. And, as a bonus, you can make a coat of arms in 5 minutes with their system.


It's a nice idea...


...if you lived in the 70's.


For me, it sounds like a lot of manual labor.


There is a huge time investment in everything physical.


If you make the tiniest small mistake when creating a coat of arms, you will have to redo it. Contrast this with a pdf or doc file you can correct in a flash, without wasting resources.


But the worst part of all?


The limited scale.


You will have to hire others if you want to increase your earnings.


That's a big no-no for me.


You see, I prefer working by myself. I'm a loner. And that's what attracted me to the great online business opportunity world.


Considering all of the above, makeing the coat of arms idea is bad for me.


Hey, you might like it. Who knows?


If you enjoy manual labor... hiring others to help you...


...want to constantly micromanage stuff...


...I guess the COA idea is good for some.


But if the above isn't your cup of Earl Gray?


There's a much faster and easier solution waiting for you.

Make it a Great Day!

Wisconsin, USA
952-583-1673 ( Central Time )
wayne.knapcik (Skype)

P.S. If you already know you'll NEVER have the time, the freedom, or long term wealth you're dreaming of if you stay at that soul sucking job...  You NEED this escape plan right now!

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