Subject: traffic is changing (again)

Everything changes.

We used to wash our clothes with a washboard in the same lake where we got our drinking water, but now we use washing machines to save time.

We used to hold a candle in the dark, but now we turn on the light switch.

We used to walk places, but now we drive there.

To the same extent, nothing ever stays the same. Especially the good things.

Example out of my own life…

I’ve got a bit of a rep for being world’s #1 solo preacher.

For good reason.

They got me to a great start, after years of trial and error. To this day, I’m grateful for discovering them and helping spread the word about them to the entire internet marketing community.

S0l0 adz are great for beginners and veterans alike. I buy ’em, I sell ’em and I teach my students how to use them effectively.


Solo ads changed. They used to be easier. They used to be less saturated. There used to be less fraud. They used to be more consistent. More scalable. Compared to the solos I used when I started, these ones are different. They require higher level of expertise to analyze the flow and weed out the crap. They’re trickier. They’re more dangerous. There’s higher risk.

But what if I said there was a different trufik source that’s making a huge difference for me that’s not s0lo azz? And what if I said this new technique was safe and affordable and predictable like no other before it?

                                                WATCH FOR DETAILS

