Subject: simple arithmetics


I struggled with math in the 1st grade.

It seemed scary and confusing. All those numbers and symbols. I just didn’t get it.

Until I levelled up to the 2nd grade where we had a different teacher, who sat me down one time and filled the gaps. From that moment I knew math wasn’t hard, as long as I made the effort to get the explanations I needed to bridge those spaces.

Unknown things are terrifying, because they’re perplexing. Until they’re not.

And then you can’t even go back to “not knowing” it anymore. A lot like riding a bicycle I guess.

Anything I’ve struggled to understand in my life always petrified me, until someone explained it to me in a way I could wrap my mind around it.

Many of my students fall into the same pattern when it comes to trying to figure out IM.

So allow me to do for you what my math teacher did for me… but with traffic!

There are 3 ways to get customers using the interwebz.

1) You can EARN IT by creating lots of content.

Think bloggers, social media influencers, writers, YouTubers and anyone who uploads material on daily or hourly basis.

They’re throwing “digital fuel” at this big monster called the web and it’s swallowing it whole every day. Some of these creators get lots of hits. Most people who try this strategy though never hit critical mass to accumulate any decent hitflow.

Plus, the quality of the visits is questionable. I tried earning my trufik for the first 3 years online. I never worked harder in my life. And I’ve never gotten so little in return.

2) You can BUY IT from Google or Facebook or some other network.

Straight up. Spend a dollar and get a click. Pure and simple transaction.

The benefit of this approach, when it works, is that you can scale it. But the downside is it’s expensive. It also requires massive time investment to optimize it to a point where you ought to hire an agency to manage the whole operation.

I’ve had success with this approach. I was finally able to drive viziteers and make money. It was really scary, though, because it required me to commit funds upfront without any confidence in the result. I lost oodles trying to figure out paid ads but it produced great dividends for me.

I gotta say however, when I started with PPC traffic, it was much simpler than it is today. I used to just turn it on and watch it produce. It’s different now. It’s harder now. It’s more expensive now. It’s more technical. Not as simple as it used to be.

I still put upwards of 100,000 a year in this trufik, but it’s not my primary method anymore.

3) You can BORROW IT from Lead Banks.

This little known way of generating clicks allows you to pinch the best prospects from other people (we call them Lead Bounty Hunters) for an affordable predictable fee.

This way you don’t have to work for it, because you get it really fast and at the same time it’s relatively cheap, compared to SGRoogle and Flakebook.

These visitors are of much higher quality than social media ones. There’s no need for optimization or split testing. It’s a set it and forget it kind of setup.

Wanna hear something else? You don’t pay upfront. You get charged only after you get the trrafeek and only for the prospects that converted.

                       “This Sounds Exciting, Please Tell Me How It Works, Igor”
Ricardo s j Alvarez.  2022. The Lighthouse Ltd
