Subject: more quality traffic fast


When I was just getting going with my bizdniz, everyone was running around with their hair on fire about the very first SGRoogle algorythm update that sent millions of websites that were ranking high up the SERPs into the waste basket.

Then the same happened to Adwords and people started having their accounts suspended left, right and center.

Soon Facetube followed suite and started kicking people out the front door. Some people even lost their personal profiles trying to get back on the network.

The history books of IM are full of examples of how industry changes wiped tons of people out (while making a small group of others reech).

Well… whadya know? It’s that time again. Trufik is changing and affiliates are being left behind. If you don’t want to be pushed to the sidelines, you need to know what’s going on.

If you want more targeted visitors, you need to watch this video I’ve just put together for you.

In this video I talk about how I’ve been driving hundreds of thousands of clicks every single month using a little-known new source that’s killing it for me right now.

I believe we’re facing a crisis right now and I raise several issues that simply can’t be ignored anymore. Then I propose a solution in a form of an automated targeted traffic source you’re probably not using right now, because no one ever told you about it.

                                           “Give Me The Details, Igor”

Ricardo s j Alvarez.