Subject: how I lost 49,850.60 on Google ads

Here’s a screenshot from my Adwords account showing a combined adZpend on paid Search and YouTube PPC campaigns (enable images):
I spent 185,850.60 on the Google adz network.

I shelled out an average 10.16 per optin to my lead magnet funnel.

I generated 136 sales (before refunds).

My average sale on this campaign is 1,000 price point.

This means I lost 49,850.60 upfront.

I probably wasted even more, considering my expenses + time + refunds.

I would estimate in the range of 65,000 or so.

So the question then becomes…


Yeah, sure it is, but there’s an “if…”

For example, if my average customer value is 10,000 and if I’m comfortable to wait 12 months to recoup that investment. In such case, I will be driving this traffic all day long, because my profits allow me to spend a lot of money to get one customer.

This is the model most huge advertisers follow. It’s why they’re able to greatly outspend their competitors. They’re playing the long term game here, while the small timers are looking for immediate returns.

But what if I’m not rich?

What if I need to make my advertising dollars work this week?

What if I’m not marketing products that cost thousands of dollars?

In that case – hard no! It’s anything but scalable for you.

And I wouldn’t recommend using Adwords to market your bizniz if you’re selling products that pay small commissions on a budget.

I would instead recommend you follow my advice in the new presentation I put together for you where I explain how I’m driving up to 15,862 clicks per day using a different trufik source.

It’s cheaper than Google pay per click. It’s cheaper than FB. It’s more responsive than all of them.

But that’s not why I recommend it.

There’s one more thing that makes it an absolute no brainer.

