Subject: Your JOB isn't enough anymore

Hello Friend,

'Having a job' isn't good enough anymore.
It's no guarantee of security, and it shackles you in many ways.
A couple years British politician Alan Milburn "work is not a cure for poverty".

In my mind, I think it's better to say working stupidly is not a cure for poverty.
By that I mean, you could be working hard
but it doesn't move the needle in terms
of getting you out of the situation you're in.

A minimum wage worker could work like a dog all
day but what does it matter if at the end of
the day, after commuting expenses, there's nothing
much to show for it.
It's all about working smart.
Hard AND smart.
That's key.

And if you put effort into your internet marketing
career where the results far outweigh the effort
you put in, you're good to go.
I'll leave you with that for today.
Check your inbox for more gems from me soon.
To Your Online Success,