Subject: Why Successful People Leave 'Loser' Friends Behind

Hey Friend,

Here's an awesome quote for you:

"It’s better to hang out with people better than you.
Pick out associates whose behavior is better
than yours and you’ll drift in that direction." -
Warren Buffet This piece of advice has helped
Me succeed in life.

The question is, do you follow it?
Or are you shooting yourself in the foot
by hanging out with people who keep you back?

I was the same when I first launched my online business.
I hung out with friends who didn't get what I was doing.
The results?

Sneers every time I wanted to work and
priceless advice like "why not take a break
every once in a while?".

They didn't understand.
And it wasn't their fault.
It was mine for thinking they'll respect
what I was doing.

Today, I know better.
I've realized a community of people who
"get it" is as important as hard work.

Because when you struggle, they show you
the way with their own, unique insights.

This way you go from a hard-worker to a hard-earner.
Communities who act this way are priceless.

If you want to make as much money possible
while working from home, you need to join one.

That's what's great about this awesome system.
The SECOND you join you'll be added
to a group of over 16K+ people that are on every
phase of their journey...

from just making their first sale - to leaving
their full-time jobs behind, you'll find people
from all walks of life ready to help and inspire you.

And today, I'm inviting you to join that community.
-Here's where to go.

To Your Success,

P.S. In tomorrow's email I'm going to reveal
The 4 Hour Work Week and How to Leverage
Marketing Systems to reach your goals.
