Subject: Why Going to College ISN'T an Investment (Anymore)

Hello. Friend,

--(This email plays on the notion that college isn't quite the investment that it once was. If you want to stay ahead in today's environment, you HAVE to find ways to increase your wealth on your own.) -

What do you call a 32 year old waiter who decides to work overtime in order to make money for college?

I call him misguided.
Here's why...

The guy in question is my friend Tim. He has no idea what to do in life. At 32 he decides she wants to go to college and study Marketing. Why? Because, as he said "I want to increase my perceived value when I apply for jobs”.

He's ready to go into debt just so he can get a college degree, without knowing what he wants to do with it once he's finished.
Add four years and he'll be 36.

With zero experience in his field.

Yet the boss will choose him over a guy or gal who is younger and more energetic?
I don't think so.

So, I told him using my best Godfather impression, "I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse."

I told him about Partner With Anthony and a few reason why I thought this program was better:

1) The investment is TINY compared to a college degree for the same level of education.

2) He could start making money as quickly as a few week's time vs. waiting four years to HOPEFULLY land a decent paying gig.

3) There is unlimited upside potential because you're running YOUR OWN business vs. working for someone else.

4) Experience. Let's say you decide you're not cut out for the Entrepreneur lifestyle. No worries, you now have something those hot-shot marketing degreed students don't have...

Actual hands-on experience running a Marketing business.

Well, after I gave my "offer" he said YES and hasn't looked back.
So what about you?

Ever felt at loss with what you'll do in the future?
So lost that even going into debt for a college degree seemed like a decent idea?

If yes, be careful.

Don't make a choice that you'll regret for the rest of your life.

Sure, some degrees are NECESSARY for a job and if you're looking to become a Doctor or Lawyer then by all means - it's the path for you.
But if you're not sure what direction you need to take...

Make the smart choice like Tim did.

Ricardo s.j Alvarez

P.S. Here's a statistic from

In 2015, just 14% of this year's college graduates have real jobs waiting.
The rest of them?

They will probably wait tables like Tim, and it's better than nothing.

Still, is that what you want from life?

A “better than nothing” future?

How about a stress-free life?

Without feeling your financial stability shaking every passing day.

That's a way better alternative.

And if you do want this kind of life, here's where to go.