Subject: United States of Traffic

Every citizen of the United States of Traffic is residing in one of the two counties.

Click County

Internet marketers living here are stressed out and anxious. They wake up in the morning wondering where the next click is going to come from. They’re hectically writing articles by the dozens each week in hopes to attract eyeballs through the search engines. They sacrifices goats to Google and conduct Shaman ceremonies to please the Almighty Social Media goddess of Zucherberriah. Most of the inhabitants of this country are broke and frustrated. They dream of one day being able to quit their boring jobs, but are quickly losing all hope because their click-getting methods aren’t working. They’re desperate to try any shiny object that comes on the market promoting fast and free traffic.

Lead Land

People of Lead Land know no shortage of targeted leads. They possess the skill to systematically flood any website with targeted leads with automated methods. They’re not afraid to take small calculated risks with their budgets, because they’re following a proven system to attract, qualify and convert quality leads. Virtually any project launched by a Lead Lander is destined to thrive sooner rather than later. These people don’t believe in traffic voodoo such as social media and search engine optimization. They’ve long moved past these ancient methods to create faster, cheaper, more scalable, more stable traffic source.


Where are you hanging out these days?

Are you a click countryman/countrywoman or a lead lander?

If you’re stuck in Click Country territory, you need to watch this new video I released about my #1 traffic source I’m using to build a huge email list full of targeted responsive subscribers right now. I’ve used this traffic source to generate 967,822 clicks per month working roughly 60 minutes a week on my computer.




P.S. United States of Traffic video comes down soon. Don’t sit on your hands!