Subject: The Math Problem Most Entrepreneurs Get WRONG

Here's a quick math problem most entrepreneurs get wrong...

You're sitting on a park bench on a cold day in Boston when you spot 5 birds on a telephone wire...

One bird decides to leave this dreaded New England weather behind to fly South for the winter.

How many birds are left?

If you said four, in this story, you'd be incorrect.

See, I mentioned the bird "decided" to fly away, but I never said he actually made the jump.

So five birds remain on the wire.

And even though, one bird decided to make a better life for himself... we've yet to see him make his move.

Now, if you think I cheated a bit just to prove a point.... well you're right. ;)

But you'd be amazed at how many people tell me they're going to start their own business...

That they're determined to get that email list going, or get their blog started, or begin working for themselves vs. for a volatile boss that's colder than Boston in January...

But simply making a decision, being determined, or only saying it out loud doesn't actually change your situation.

You have to make the jump.

You have to make the change.

You have to put action behind your talk.

And if you're the kind that only wants to talk then you're in good company because that's most of the people I see on social media.

But if you're the kind that wants to put in the work, take action, and ACTUALLY make a change in their life...

Well then I want you on my team.

In fact, I want to personally coach you to your success.

See, when you sign up for the training I'm recommending below, you not only get access to 30+ Step-By-Step training modules, a private Facebook Group where you can ask questions anytime you'd like, and complete Done-For-You Ads, Emails, and Websites to use for your business...

But I'm even extending my personal help to the first 100 people who sign up to Partner With Anthony using the link below.

Check it out here.

Don't just say you're going to change your life in 2020 - take the steps to make it happen.
