Subject: The Math Problem Most Entrepreneurs Get WRONG

Hey there Ricardo here,

Here's a quick math problem most
entrepreneurs get wrong...
You're sitting on a park bench on a cold day in Boston when
you spot 5 birds on a telephone wire...

One bird decides to leave this dreaded New
England weather behind to fly South for the winter.
How many birds are left?

If you said four, in this story, you'd be incorrect.
See, I mentioned the bird "decided" to fly away,
but I never said he actually made the jump.

So five birds remain on the wire.
And even though, one bird decided to make a
better life for himself... we've yet to see
him make his move.

Now, if you think I cheated a bit just to prove a point...
well, you're right. ;)

But you'd be amazed at how many people tell
me they're going to start their own business...
In fact, I want to personally give you access
to my 5 figure monthly commission system.

I hope you use this system to change your life in 2023
- take the steps to make it happen.
To Your Success,
