Subject: Same Course Different Guru [Neeeeeext!!]
Since we're both grownups, let's talk about something pretty gross I see on the internet these days.

I call them Entrepreneur Leftovers...

It goes like this...

Step 1: A guru creates a product and sells it.

Step 2: Another guru takes the product and recreates it in his own words.

Step 3: A third guru repeats the process and THAT'S the one you end up purchasing.

That's like going to a restaurant where the food you're eating was already prepared by a better chef.... TWICE.

Now, this wouldn't really be a problem if the product is good.

But I'm telling you from experience - by the time you get to sloppy thirds, you have on your hands a LOUSY product.

They offer advice like:

* Spamming people on Facebook

* Cold calling strangers

* Buying the latest $10,000 software because it's what makes everything easier

You're too smart to fall for that.

Same Course, Different Guru.

So what do you do?

You stay away from the hacks.

They'll make you waste time, resources, and annoy your friends and family in the process (Ok, a slight jab at the MLM crowd)

Instead, link arms with a guru that didn't learn this stuff from another guru...

But someone who's been doing it for 15+ years.

Even better, he's built a team around him with supporters (like me!) that can help guide you through any potential pitfalls.

Teams like those are rare to find.

People like me are rare to find.

So I'm giving you a shot at taking advantage of something big here.

Join while you can. 
