Subject: [SCREENSHOT] $1M from ONE Company... (and your personal SHORTCUT)

Real quick,

Have you noticed all the different ways people try to make money online these days?

One that recently caught my attention was a course on how ANYONE can start your own software company.

I almost fell out of my chair.

Look, I'm no programmer but some simple math and common sense will tell you that building and running a world-class software that generates a full-time income is NOT a beginner-friendly concept.

Either these "gurus" are hiding how difficult/expensive it is, or they're not honest about how much you can make.

Simple as that.

But the reason I was so shocked - there IS a way to earn a living from software...

But you don't have to create your own or hire someone else to do it.

In fact, you can promote some of the best software on the planet and simply get a cut from each sale.

Need some proof?

Check out this SNAPSHOT from my mentor Anthony Morrison who just passed the $1M mark just from promoting ClickFunnels.
Pretty crazy right?

But what if I told you it's not that hard?

I've been promoting ClickFunnels and a BUNCH of other software for a few months now...

...and while I haven't hit Anthony's numbers, I like what I see.

Reason being, when you sign up for Partner With Anthony you'll not only get access to 30+ modules of trainings on affiliate marketing, but you'll also have the chance to plug yourself into his funnel where HE does the selling and YOU get the commission.

It's all part of the plan to help us grow and get where we want to be.

I became a true fan because he's committed to my success.

Check it out while it's still LIVE.


PS: I wanted to mention that not only is Anthony committed to your success... but because you joined my list, I'm committed as well.

That's why if you sign up I want you to know that I will PERSONALLY mentor you and help answer any questions you might have on getting started.

Check it out here.