Subject: NEWSFLASH: What they taught you in school is all wrong...

Hey Friend,

I have to be honest with you...

The "traditional" ways of finding real estate investing deals still work. In fact, I use a lot of them on a daily basis because they just plain work.

But what if there was a way to find more deals, and find them faster and more efficiently?

That doesn't mean we throw out what works and just pray that this new approach works better.

No way!

But it's always good to see how others play the game and take the bits and pieces of what they do well and incorporate it into our own business.

In school, they taught us that copying others was "bad" and "wrong". In fact, if you copied someone else, you were probably punished in some way.

Business is different.

In the business world, if you copy the actions of successful people, chances are, you will be REWARDED, not punished!

So where am I going with this?

Yesterday I sent you an email about my Canadian real estate investing friend who's giving away a piece of his real estate deal-finding search engine...

Click here in case you missed yesterday's email.

This is a totally new way of going about the deal-finding process and I really think it can help you find a lot more deals faster than what you're probably doing now.

And the best part is, not only is it fast, efficient, and easy-to-use, but he's going to show you how to CUSTOMIZE it for YOUR business!

Take a look for yourself and see what pieces you can incorporate into your real estate investing business so you can find more opportunities FASTER.

Here's the link:
Click Here

To Your Success,

The Lighthouse Ltd.