Subject: MYTH: You Gotta Spend Money to Make Money

Maybe you’ve heard that to run a successful online business 'you gotta spend money to make money.'

In other words...

Spend a ton on Facebook or Solo Ads, make a few sales, then repeat.



That’s what most marketers do and most marketers end up broke.

See, spending cash to run ads is only the beginning…

The truth is, most of my profit comes from entirely FREE traffic.

And if you don’t know where to get this free traffic or how to use it you’ll end up like most marketers…


Don’t be like most marketers.

So what is this "magical" free traffic source?

It's actually your Email List.

See, I spent some money (or sweat equity) to get you on this List...

But now that you're here, I'm able to market to you anytime I'd like, for free! (*insert evil laugh here*)

Of course, that's only as long as I can keep you engaged enough so you don't hit unsubscribe. ;)

But just goes to show the power and profit potential of launching and growing an Email List that literally pays YOU every time you send an email... rather than constantly paying or ads in hopes that you'll make a profit.

So, how do we build an engaged, hyper-profitable email list like the one I just mentioned?

Check out my favorite method right here.

To your success,