Subject: It’s a TRAP

This trap is the biggest and most common pitfall of would be entrepreneurs today.
It's sometimes called "Analysis Paralysis", but I like to call it what it is.

Fear of failing
Fear of being judged
Fear of not being able to handle success
Fear of offending people
Fear of wasting time and effort

We all have fear, but it’s the successful people who feel the fear and do it anyway.
They don't let fear stop them, and they use the fear to push them to do greater and greater things.
My mentor James is a living example of what you can achieve when you take action in spite of fear.

It wasn’t luck that catapulted him from suicide to success.
It was a lot of hard work, struggle, embarrassment…
And a whole lot of sucking at things at first.

But because he didn’t quit, it allowed him to become a 7 figure earner in under 5 years from trying to take his own life…
He did have one thing going for me though.

He had time.
He worked online day and night for up to 16 hours a day.
He struggled for months trying to make my first commission.
There were many days that he wanted to quit, wanted to give it all up.
But he didn’t…

He pushed through and today he is in the 1% of earners online.
It would have been so much EASIER if he had a proven path to follow and he doesn't want you to have to struggle like he did.
That’s why James created the RPM training and group.

This is the system, training and support James wishes someone had given him back in 2017.
I’ve combined EVERYTHING I spent years learning into this system and created something never done before thanks to a new technology you will discover in the fr-ee group.

It really does make it so simple a 3 year old could do it…
Prove us wrong. Get started today.

Jump in today, you’ll be glad you did.
Kind regards,

If you happen to purchase anything we recommend, in this or any of our communication, we will receive some kind of compensation. Still, we only recommend stuff that we truly believe in and share with our friends and family. If you ever have an issue with anything we sell please let us know. We want to make sure we are always serving you at the highest level.

2023. The Lighthouse Ltd