Subject: How to get other people to build your lists for you

If you’ve found it hard to get thousands of subscribers on your lists…

Keep reading, ‘cause this is something that’s working insanely well for me right now

There’s a new software that lets you:
Sign up and login to the dashboard
Tell them where to send your payments (fill out your profile)
Activate done for you, fully designed, affiliate promotion filled funnels

All branded to you, so all the links on the pages and in the emails are yours.

It’s insane and the selection of funnels they have is wild

Part of the reason they have such a diverse and varied collection of funnels is what leads me to this insane list building hack I’ve just discovered.

You see - FunnelMates isn’t just some collection of done-for-you funnels

They’ve turned the tables and made it so that YOU can use their templated system, create funnels and SELL them (and get paid cash)

Which is great. A funnel builder that actually pays you to use it.. Insane!

But what I discovered takes this to a whole new level.
When you’re using the FunnelMates software to build an affiliate funnel

You can choose to offer the funnel to other members for free

Why would you do the work and not take money? Especially since they’re basically throwing it away right now…

Well there’s the trick. Here’s how I’m using this to build massive lists.

Step 1: Sign up to FunnelMates
Step 2: Setup your account (so they know how to pay you)
Step 3: Follow the instructions and create a funnel
Step 4: Set it to FREE

NOTE: I’ve listed mine for paid AND free so people have options if they want to pay me.

Now here’s where the magic happens.

When the thousands of members who are flooding FunnelMates right now, activate my free funnel and start using it to build their lists...

I automatically get a copy of each subscriber added to my own connected autoresponder

That’s literally THOUSANDS of people who are already focused on building big lists, equipped with tools to make it an absolute breeze

Building lists FOR ME.

=> Click here to see what I mean

I haven’t seen a way to build lists faster since the late 90’s

They’ve thought of everything.

You can use this system to:
Simply activate a lead generation funnel anytime you need one for a specific niche or purpose in just a couple of seconds
Create your own funnels for your own use
Create funnels and sell them to other members (and get paid… cash…!)
Create funnels and give them away (and passively fill your autoresponders)

You can do just one of those or all at once with a single funnel.

=> Do yourself a favor and check it out today

At the moment you can get in for a low one-time fee, but get in quick before this gets too much more popular and they realise … actually, they should definitely be charging monthly for it…!

Grab it and i’ll see you in there, 