Subject: How to deal with criticism

People judge.

They judge books by their covers.

They judge other people for the decisions they make and ideas they express.

They judge you. And me.

For the longest time I had trouble accepting that.

It would paralyze me.

It would keep me from putting myself out there, cornering me into marketing my business to the 4 walls of my bedroom.

Writer Elbert Hubbard once said “Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing, and you'll never be criticized.”

I know I’m not perfect. No one is.

And I know I’m going to be judged.

But I also know that building your own online business is one of those things that’s easy to criticize but hard to do. Anyone can offer their critical opinion about my content, my website, my social media posts, etc.

But can they do it better?

Can they get results I’m getting?

99% of people can’t.

So why should I be concerned about what they think?

Truth – I shouldn’t.
And you shouldn’t either.

All that really matter is if you’re happy with where you are in life.

You’ve got to take the good with the bad… there’s no doubt about that.

But late at night… when everyone else is asleep and you’re alone with your thoughts… can you honestly say you’re happy with yourself?

Have you reached those goals you were after… or did you think you’d be a little better off by now?

Do you wonder if you’ll ever really get anywhere?

You don’t have to wonder anymore.

THIS is your ticket to a better life.

It’s easy to get started.

Just click this link.

Or not.

It’s all up to you.

You can do nothing.

At least you won’t be criticized.


Ricardo s.j Alvarez.
