Subject: How To Finally Breakthrough Online…Friend

Dear  Friend,
I don't know you...yet.
But I do know this about you.
You are similar to me.
In what way?
Simple: We are ACTION takers.
I wouldn't be sending you this email if you didn't
raise your hand and say "Yes, I want to learn about
internet marketing. I want to learn from people who
are more successful than me."
And, for that, I am giving you a virutal high five!
You took action.
You are now on my partner.
And I'm going to do my utmost best to make sure you
succeed in your career as an Internet Marketer.
Stick with me over the next few weeks and months
and I will share ALL the secrets to my success with you.
The magic is the follow through.
So stay tuned.
The best is yet to come.
Yours In Success,
Ricardo San Juan Alvarez.

ps: Almost forgot! Do you need more leads? Click Here