Subject: How Comparing Kept Me Broke (and out of shape)

Hey It's Ricardo Here,

Last year I went to the grand opening of a new gym I hoped to join.

But when I was getting my tour I began to feel a bit embarrassed.

The men looked like Greek gods with sculpted shoulders, wide backs, and I'm pretty sure their six-packs had six-packs.

The women looked like Instagram models without an ounce of body fat.

On my way home, I tried to convince myself that the gym wasn't for me.

What would I do there? How would I fit in? I'd feel ridiculous even working out in the same room as them!

I felt the same way when I started an online business...

I'd see people with incredible success and think, I'll never be able to do THAT.

But the way I talked myself out of it is the same way I talked myself into going to the gym...

I needed to STOP comparing myself to everyone else, and focus on making MYSELF better.

I am my only competition...

I needed to focus on making more today than I made yesterday, just like I focused on being healthier today than I was yesterday.

So please, if you're reading this and are one of those people who haven't made the plunge because you're afraid that it won't work for YOU, I encourage you to stop getting distracted by all the numbers, the success stories, the fancy advertising...

And start thinking about YOU.

What can YOU do today to make your business better.

What can YOU do today to improve your life.

You are your only competition, and you are the only person that matters when it comes to building your business.

So if you're ready to stop comparing and start conquering I have the perfect roadmap for you to follow.

Check it out right here.

To Your Success,

PS: Yes, if you click that link you're going to hear success stories of how people turned their life around and achieved incredible success.

But I want you to try viewing that purely as inspiration, to see what's possible, and know that YOU can be in their position if you take things one step at a time, just like they did.

Click here to learn more.