Subject: Get your head right

Ask yourself, “What will have the biggest
impact and determine the level of success
you will have online?"
The true answer is, your MINDSET.
The one characteristic that ALL top marketers
share is that they have the abundant mindset.
They spend time on it DAILY.

When you start to shift your mindset into abundance
everything will be impactful. The bigger your mindset
the bigger the impact you can have.
Make a conscious choice to change how you think and
most importantly, how you feel about your business!
Write down what youÕd really like to experience in your
business. Write down what the qualities are that you'd
like to experience in your life.

I struggled in my business until a close associate of
mine INSISTED that I make goals and WRITE THEM DOWN
and look at them EVERYDAY.
I won't say it is magic, but it sure seemed that way.
It may seem trivial, but if you don't have plans and
goals, I can assure that the universe has some for you.

You might be experiencing those right now!
Make sure you associate with like-minded, positive people.
Which people most support your work and/or your passions?
Are there's ways in which you could get more support from them?
Write those down questions down.
You can have whatever mindset you want, so why not choose
a profitable and abundant one?
To Your Success,
Ricardo s.j alvarez
The Lighthouse Ltd