Subject: Don't even consider affiliate marketing before reading this

People often ask me:

"Ricardo, is affiliate marketing (AM) still a thing? Can it work nowadays?"

It's a good question.

When I got started (back in the Wild West of the Internet) AM was one of the few ways the little guy and gal could make a decent living.

Alas, it has all changed.

Nowadays, it's not a good choice.

Let me explain...

On one hand, you have options like Amazon.

Lots and lots of useful products...

...with abysmal commisions.

Last time I checked, Amazon gave 3%.

In a $100 item, that's a measly three bucks.

If you want to earn a lot with this model, you need a huge online following. (we're talking 10,000+ people)

Unless you have that many?

It's a no-no...

On the other hand, there are sites like Clickbank.

They have a huge selection of digital information products.

The commissions are colossal...

...but the products lame.

So lame in fact, that the refund rates are astronomical. People buy something and refund it on the spot.

There's nothing worse than getting excited over a sale...

...and then seeing your commission evaporate.

Back in 2002, things were a lot better for AM.

Amazon gave bigger commissions.

And Clickbank products were actually good.

But today, I'll stay away from it.

After all, there are much faster and easier ways for the little guy and gal to attract lots of manee.

To see the way I recommend, go here.

Ricardo s.j Alvarez
