Subject: Don’t believe anyone who tells you This...

Don’t believe anyone who tells you they failed because they weren’t given an opportunity.

That’s just not true.

The world is awash with opportunities.
There’s hundreds of them presented to us every single day.

It seems like every day a new one pops up out of nowhere.
There are thousands of opportunities available all over the Internet.
They’re being started all over the globe.

They attract newbies who have no idea what they’re doing. Like pigs cluelessly rushing into the slaughterhouse, they see what looks like easy money and head straight for their demise.

The beginners who are trying to get ethically reech are getting slaughtered.
They’re wallets drained.
Their minds hijacked by manipulative goooooorooooos.

It’s not going to end well… unless someone wakes them up to the truth about working from home.

Because when it comes to a high stakes game like this… the planners make money and the doers make money.

I’m giving you a plan here. 
Are you smart enough to take it?

Ricardo s.jAlvarez.