If you are promoting Clickbank offers as an affiliate (or thinking to) you better attend the free workshop I’m hosting tomorrow with Igor Kheifets, 3rd highest-earning super-affiliate in the internet marketing niche.


Because we’re going to expose the truth Clickbank doesn’t want you to know about the true success rate of nearly all affiliate network members.

We will also discuss a new type of affiliate marketing that’s working so much better than Clickbank right now.

In addition, Igor’s going to show you the simple 1-page template that doubled his affiliate commissions overnight.

Oh, and just for attending, you’re getting a $497 ethical bribe – a step-by-step video minicourse showing how to pick high-converting affiliate offers.

There are only 500 seats available. I’m saving you one. But you better hurry.

Sign up to attend free workshop this week

To Your Success,

P.S. During this free workshop Igor’s going to show you how he makes 9,291.00 in commissions per day without big traffic.