Subject: Begin With the End

Hi Friend,
When you are doing a project that requires a ladder,
does the project start when you put your foot on the
first rung of the ladder or when you climb up to the point
where you can ACTUALLY begin the task at hand?
I suppose that is subjective, but the reality is that you MUST
know the reason you're putting the ladder up in the first place.
In other words, you have an objective and you know that you
have to climb to accomplish it.
It is only common sense that you have the ladder leaning on
the wall you want to scale or you would not have put it there, right?
All too often, I speak with people that are willing to set the ladder up,
but have little or no idea what they are inevitably trying to climb up.
In other words, most folks do not "Begin With The End In Mind."
The reasons for this can be many, but it finally comes down to the
fact that they do not have a clear cut...
WHAT is the reason, the REAL reason, the SPECIFIC reason that
you want to succeed in a Home Business?
Even though Hey, I think working for myself would be cool is
a reason, is it strong enough of one to truly motivate you?
How does a general reason like that stack up against these:

We need more room, we must have a new home
I AM going to make sure that my child has a college education
and is NOT saddled with debt...
These medical bills WILL be paid off
I WILL be there to see my children grow up
My parents took care of me, now I WILL take care of them...
Your why is what it is and whatever it is, it needs to be STRONG.
Once you've determined it, go full speed ahead.
To your success,

P.S. If your "why" is one of the reasons listed in the last 5
lines, you can begin working towards that by visiting this
link now and start getting serious results fast--> Click Here To Access
Ricardo s.j alvarez
The Lighthouse Ltd