Subject: You've still got time..
You've still got time..
March 28th, 2016 at 3:52 pm ESTIt's the final reminder about Interrupt2PROFIT = Grab your copy here = Here's some comments about this resource:- "interrupt2PROFIT is simply brilliant." - Chris P. "best money ...
Pro copywriter's #1 psychological secret..
March 24th, 2016 at 4:35 am ESTQ: As a marketer or copywriter what's your number one priority? A: To get your prospect's attention. Without interrupting your viewer's behavior patterns you'll never gain their attent ...
Sales stop without this..
March 23rd, 2016 at 4:57 am ESTHow do millionaire marketers and copywriters stop prospects in their tracks and get them to read their sales message? Click Here to see how the pros do it... Isn't that fascinating? Don't you lov ...
Where Marketing meets Psychology..
March 22nd, 2016 at 4:57 am ESTIf you're interested in marketing, copywriting or psychology click the link below... = Where Marketing Meets Psychology = I HIGHLY recommend you check this out – you'll defini ...
Sales Psychology 101: Pattern Interrupts..
March 21st, 2016 at 10:42 am ESTIf you know anything about sales psychology you know the importance of Pattern Interrupts. Without interrupting your viewer's behavior patterns you'll never gain their attention. Obv ...
Can I instagram you?
March 3rd, 2016 at 3:32 am ESTRecently, I was vacationing with my family in Clearwater, Florida. We were all wearing matching clothes so a passer-by asked "Can I instagram you?" We said it was OK, we posed for he ...
Insta WHAT Now?
March 2nd, 2016 at 9:00 am ESTRecently, I was vacationing with my family in Clearwater, Florida. We were all wearing matching clothes so a passer-by asked "Can I instagram you?" We said it was OK, we posed for he ...