Common Hack Attack Types Explained:
EXPLOIT - (92% of direct hack attacks) - a badly written
plugin/theme allows a hacker to execute a command/script
that gives them control of your site.
FACT - popular security plugins & services DON'T offer
any protection against this.
BRUTE FORCE ATTACK - (8% of direct hack attack) -
Multiple attempts to guess your username/password
and take control of your site
FACT - most popular security plugins & services are good
at blocking this attack... but can't deal with new amplified
XMLRPC attacks.
DDOS - ("break the site" hack attack) - this is an attempt
to flood your site with requests so your server falls over
FACT - Plugins CAN'T deal with this attack - you need to
use a third party service like Cloudflare or bespoke
hardware protection.
In a nutshell ...If you run WP sites - you need to act NOW
and protect against exploits as you are not covered against
the #1 risk to your site.
WP Site Guardian is ONLY tool on the market with
BLOCKING + Intruder attempt notifications.