This is ONLY for serious Marketers who are looking for ways to drive REAL, targeted and trackable traffic...
=> Trackable, Guaranteed Clicks <=
Traffic Ivy is a completely SaaS based Viral Traffic Network.
Just login to create and publish ads in multiple media formats…once published (using our step-by-step wizard), your campaigns would go live and start receiving REAL traffic instantly.
You’ll be able to have your choice of:
* Articles displayed on our growing network of niche targeted blogs * Banners displayed across hundreds of blogs and websites (not limited to WordPress) * Facebook posts on real people’s FB pages/groups and walls * Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Reddit posts on REAL accounts * Videos uploaded to a wide variety of real YouTube accounts
Now, I am sure you might be thinking… that sounds like a lot of work!
Nope – it’s actually 1-2-3 simple.
Step 1: Connect your social media accounts and websites Step 2: Earn points for sharing relevant community content Step 3: Spend your points on targeted traffic to your own content and offers
Watch a quick Walkthrough Video here to see Traffic Ivy in action...