Subject: Sales Psychology: the 'herd' mentality ..

How to Create a Herd Mentality in Your Customers 

Imagine it's Black Friday... 

What turns normally placid, mild-mannered, law abiding 
citizens into consumer-crazed zombies in a buying trance 
snatching sale items from defenseless children? 

According to social psychologists this kind of behavior is 
due to The Herd Mentality

This phenomena occurs when consumers become irrationally 
influenced by the behavior of others, especially when in 
competition for scarce resources or limited offers. 

Customers simply defer to the “social default” when making 
buying choices and copy what others are doing; it's the 
classic influence of Social Proof

Create a Herd Mentality in Your Customers Today ... 

Today, there's a brand new WordPress plugin that taps 
directly into this powerful psychological motivator... 

It's a new covert technology that uses a small pop-up to 
show your visitors when someone buys your product. 

 => See Demo <=  

Nothing motivates people to buy a product more than 
knowing that others are buying that product now! 

 => Watch Video <= 

Chat soon, 

P.S. This psychological trick works x10 better when used 
with scarcity! 

 => See More Here <= 
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