After The Headline, What Catches Your Eye?
We could talk all day about sales copy, persuasion techniques and conversions...
But what's the first thing that you notice when
you see a sales page for the first time?
The GRAPHICS, right?
The fact is that your first impression of a page
is usually your lasting impression...
Your attention is immediately grabbed by images.
It's smart to use high quality images that are
relevant and positioned for maximum impact.
Unfortunately, finding images that are right for
online marketing campaigns or sales letters is very difficult...
That's why I recommend that you take a look at
this impressive new package of marketing images...
=> WP Graphics Toolkit <=
WP Graphics Toolkit includes over 1,500 (40GB+) of website ready images, including: - Attention-Grabbing Icons
- Whiteboard Vectors
- 3D Covers & Mockups
- Video Assets
- Sales Page Headings
- Text Styles
- PLUS 200+ Random Graphics Modules
It's an amazing toolkit of high quality graphics
and should be in every online marketer's toolbox!
=> WP Graphics Toolkit <=
Chat soon, Richard.
P.S. This is a limited time offer - grab all the
graphics you'll ever need for a tiny fraction of
what it would cost to put together yourself...