Subject: [Inside] $25K per hour of Copywriting Secrets...

"The Biggest IM, Direct Marketing, Copywriting, Advertising, And Business Event In History Is About To Begin And What You Will Discover Are Never Before Shared Secrets To Making Millions From Many Of The Most Successful Marketers Alive" 

An unprecedented 8 week event is about to begin that will take you on a journey of discovery that could lead to 10x increases in traffic, sales, and bottom line profits for your business. 

Many of the best and brightest minds in marketing today are going to share their secrets for finding untapped markets, writing irresistible sales messages, growing your business, cutting costs, getting traffic, sending conversions through the roof and creating hordes of raving fans for your product or service. 

Nothing like this has ever happened before and to say it could be life changing would be an understatement. Read the whole story here:  

What is being covered in great detail: 
  • Copywriting
  • Editing
  • Video Sales Letters
  • Email Marketing
  • Traffic & Conversion
  • Direct Mail Marketing
  • PPC
  • Sales Funnels
  • YouTube Marketing
  • White Hat (and Black Hat) SEO and SEM. 
You won't hear the same old tired rehashed stuff you have heard for years now though. They have enlisted the best of the best and they have all agreed to share their closely held trade secrets with you. 

These are the ones they use daily in their own businesses to generate millions of dollars in revenue and profits. 

You can get all the details here... 

  • You are going to learn tested and proven methods for growing your business in ways no one has likely ever shared with you before. 
  • How to write advertising copy that converts at a level that makes you an unstoppable force in any niche, any industry. 
  • How to weave your story and your business into your prospects' lives in a way that makes them a customer for life. 
  • How to find, nurture, and grow prospects that are as passionate about what you sell as you are. 
  • How to know the precise moment to ask for the sale and how to ask for it in a way that makes more money by spending less. 
  • How to speak to your prospects in way that builds on their hopes, dreams, fears, and problems and that makes you the lifelong friend and ally the have been searching for. 
  • How to drive hordes of hungry targeted traffic to your offers at the lowest possible cost. 
  • How to use the power of persuasion to get almost anything you want in life. 

Look at this all-star lineup that is ready, willing and able to help you up your game and make your fortune. Each week we will be providing you with 8 hours of hands on training from a host of the absolute best in the business… 
  • Clayton Makepeace 
  • John Carlton 
  • Teran Dale 
  • Chris Haddad 
  • Keith Krance 
  • Tyler Bramlett 
  • Craig Clemens 
  • Scott Haines 
  • Big Jason Henderson 
  • James Schramko 
  • John Rowly 
  • Jon Benson 
  • Josh Turner 
  • Brandee Sweesy 
  • Michel Fortin 
  • Bond Halbert 
  • Kevin Halbert 
  • Mark McRae 
The people you will be learning from make their money selling products. All kinds of products in just about every niche imaginable. 

This may be most elite group of marketing professionals and businesses experts ever assembled in one place. 

Learn more here: 

In addition to this world class panel of experts you will be getting a PHD in Halbertology. 

How To Build A Ninety Million Dollar Business With One Letter! 

Way back in the 1971, long before the internet, someone was sitting at the kitchen table trying to figure out how to keep the lights on and feed his family. 

One day he decided to go for broke. To go after his dreams with an idea everyone thought him crazy for even considering. 

He sat down and wrote exactly 381 words on a piece of paper. 

Those words sparked an entire industry and have gone on to become what is widely thought to be the most mailed letter in direct mail history. 

Who Was Gary C. Halbert? 

He was almost unknown outside the marketing world (except for some of his work with famous Hollywood celebrities, such as Ernest and Tova Borgnine)... but... he was the "Elvis Presley" of the direct response marketing and copywriting world. 

In fact, you still see his influence everywhere people are making money in direct response. 

In his twenties, Gary Halbert worked small Midwest towns as a traveling door-to-door encyclopedia salesman... before... working as a salesman with Pitney-Bowes and Standard Oil of Ohio. While working at Standard Oil, he became very interested-actually, obsessed-with direct mail. 

After struggling through a few failed tests following "The Rules" of the then current-day "experts," out of necessity, Gary invented "Gun-To-The-Head-Marketing"... and... used it to write what would become the most widely mailed sales letter in history:
  • A letter which had not only the distinction of being mailed close to 1 Billion times… but also… of being… 
  • Mailed To Almost Every Household In America Nearly 7 Times! 
  • The company this letter built was called Halberts Inc. and was eventually sold for close to $90,000,000.00 (ninety million dollars) back in the 1990s. 
You can just imagine the money this one little letter generated over decades of successful mailings. 

Swipe a multitude of cash generating secrets right here: 

That truly launched the "Legend of Gary Halbert"... and then... he cemented it by continuing to defy the "experts" and industry norms and smash sales record after sales record with his many seminal breakthrough ideas and his cleverly-crafted copy! 

Gary Halbert's now famous Coat of Arms letter was just the first of many highly successful direct mail letters and ads this marketing genius penned. 

Halbert wrote record-smashing newspaper ads, magazine ads, web copy, direct mail pieces, infomercials, phone scripts, and just about anything and everything where words are used to sell. 

Even more impressive, Gary wrote record-breaking advertisements in more categories than any other copywriter in recent memory.  

He wrote winning promotions in finance, cosmetics, diet, real estate, self-help, marketing, collectibles, genealogy, chiropractic, dentistry, water filtration, and more. The list goes on and on... but… all those accomplishments are still not his greatest contribution to the world of marketing and copywriting. 

Gary Halbert's mark is everywhere because so many marketers around the world learned part of their craft directly from Mr. Halbert... or... they learned the business from mentors who learned their best secrets from Gary. 

This is why so many of today's top direct marketers refer to Gary as the original "Copywriting Guru"... or even... 

The Guru To The Gurus! 

Top ad writer Paris Lampropoulos may have put it best when he said... 

"In the world of copywriting, all roads lead back to Gary Halbert." 

No one can even count the millions, maybe more like billions, generated by not only the copywriting genius of this man, but his vast and cutting-edge knowledge of marketing. 

Widely regarded the best copywriter who ever lived, he made people fortunes with every piece of ad copy he touched. 

What many don't know however, is that copywriting was just part of the secrets he used to amass great wealth pretty much at will. 

Gary Halbert Knew Things About Making Money That Could Fill A Volume Of Encyclopaedias.  
Unfortunately, Gary passed away before he could share all of the amazing breakthrough knowledge he possessed with the world. And that could easily be the end of the story. 

But fortunately for you and I Gary shared every single one of his secrets with two people… 

His sons Kevin and Bond. 

And in Halbertology they are going to share the secrets that have been kept under tight lock and key for years. 

Secrets that could make you very wealthy. 

=> $25K per hour of Copywriting Secrets... <=  

This is not another box of stuff to have collect dust on your shelf… 

This is hands on. Each week, over the next eight, you will be mentored by the top people in every important facet of building a profitable online business. 

You will take part in live webinars where you will be able to ask the direct,
hard to answer, questions no one else wants to answer for you. 

Questions the gurus have always avoided like the plague. 

  • Where do you start? 
  • How do you determine if there is a big enough market for your product. 
  • Where do you find prospects who want what you have? 
  • How much should you spend to get a new customer and how do you determine the value of that customer?
  • What if you fail? Then what? 
  • What are the essentials to running a successful online business? 
  • You can't do it all, where do you find help that knows what they are doing at an affordable price? 
  • What should you outsource and what should you do yourself?
  • What are the pivot points and what are the steps to take when they are reached? 
  • How do you get enough traffic?
  • How do you increase your conversion rate so you make more money with the traffic you currently have?
  • How do you find time to get it all done especially if you are still working at a day job?
  • What about all the technical stuff, who does that?
  • How do you create a network of like-minded people so you can keep learning what is working for others as things change?
  • Who can you trust in this industry?
  • You know, who are the good guys who will actually help you and who know what they are talking about?
  • You don't even have a product, how do you create one that people actually want? (No, this is not that "find something you are passionate about and teach others" speech, we've all been there, done that and have the stupid T-shirt)
  • What constitutes a real market for a product or service and how do you find one? 
  • How do you test so you know you are selling as effectively as possible? 
  • How do you write ads, or make sure you hire a copywriter who can, that pull in sales? 
  • How do you do up-sells, down-sells and make sure you are not leaving money on the table?
  • How do you build a sales funnel right so you can automate things and continue to make even more money for years to come? 
  • How to build a roadmap to success for your business that looks at the different challenges you will face at each milestone as you grow. 
  • How to navigate the speedbumps along the way that can stop your growth dead in its tracks without the proper knowledge. 
  • What is the downside of this scenario and how do I protect my assets? - 
  • How do you create and grow your brand? 
  • How do you become the authority in your market so that people seek you out to solve their problems?
  • How do you re-position your product to a starving crowd to see sales explode overnight? 
Get the answers to those questions and hundreds more, see how here: 

You are about to step into the room with some of the brightest, 
most successful business minds, marketers and advertising 
copywriters on Earth. So you learn the shortcuts that could help 
you skip the years of hard work and the expense they incurred 
gaining this priceless knowledge. 

You are about to get all of the knowledge learned through many 
years, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars and the blood, 
sweat, and tears of some of the best marketers who have ever 
lived handed to you on a silver platter. So you can slice your learning 
curve by a fraction of the time it would take you to learn this on 
your own. 

You will get the key that unlocks the power of persuasion and 
the wisdom of how to use it to get most everything you want. 

You won't believe how easy making money could be for once 
you understand these powerful and little known secrets. 

=> $25K per hour of Copywriting Secrets... <=  

I hope you are one of the lucky ones who manage to get 
"in the room" with Bond and Kevin Halbert and Mark McRae, 
and the team of marketing all-stars they have collected to 
share all of their cash-producing secrets in this unprecedented 
8-week event. 

In order to get this kind of hands on training from the experts 
they have lined up individually it would cost you over $25,000.00 
for just one hour with each of them. 

This is the bargain of the century and you will be shocked at 
how small the investment is to take part in this unprecedented 

It was important to everyone involved that they made this 
obtainable for everyone who needs this wealth generating 

=> $25K per hour of Copywriting Secrets... <=  

This is huge! 

When Jay Abraham learned about what we were doing to 
honor Gary Halbert's life work he gave them a gift to give 
to you of great value. 

When you join Halbertology TODAY you will receive a gratis 
copy of Jay Abraham's best-selling Mr. X book as a gift. 

This book has sold so many copies I don't even know what 
the number is. Many, many tens of thousands at the very least. 

For right around $500.00 per copy. 

It's your gift from Jay when you join Halbertology today: 

=> $25K per hour of Copywriting Secrets... <=  

Warm Regards, 

P.S. One "in the know" friend said she'd buy Halbertology
just to get her hands on the Mr. X book. Jay has graciously
allowed them to offer this massive gift with purchase to
you today wanting nothing in return. 

Thanks Jay! 

=> $25K per hour of Copywriting Secrets... <= ====================================== in association with Mark McRae is not implying that any person will earn or is likely to earn as much as anyone who might be discussed in these communications. Results vary and are dependent on many factors. Examples of earnings should be considered as illustration only and should not be considered as achievable by all people. No employee or persons associated with us is registered or authorized to give any kind of professional advice. On certain occasions, we have a material link to the product or service mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of compensation or remuneration. ======================================
Riana Publishing (International), Rue de l'Horloge 10, Buchillon, Vaud 1164, Switzerland
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