Subject: If it works - make it work for you!

The One Thing...

After 20 years in this game there's one thing I've seen that separates 
the successful entrepreneurs form the also rans...

The successful entrepreneurs took something that worked for someone 
else and they made it work for them.

Sounds simple, right?

But too often what happens is that wannabe entrepreneurs try something, 
often a proven system, but for only a short space of time and then quit.

They then move on to the next new marketing fad and so on and so on...

...they acquire a wealth of knowledge but no wealth.

If you know it works, MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU!

A great example of this is Facebook (FB) Advertising (Ads)...

FB Ads are perfect for beginner marketers because it gives you...

* HUGE exposure
* Fast, cheap, scalable results
* An easy-to-reach, targeted right audience
* Subscribers on autopilot

However, most unsuccessful marketers dismiss FB for two reasons:

1. They think Facebook advertising is too difficult to master.
2. They think Facebook advertising is too expensive to be 'worth it'.

Firstly, you don't need to 'master' Facebook advertising, you just need 
to copy the easiest way to profit from it.

Secondly, you can afford $5 to $10 dollars a day to test this (even if you 
only test it for 48 hours).

Honestly, it amazes me that aspiring entrepreneurs are SO hesitant to 
spend money on paid advertising but will happily buy endless amounts of courses, training, tools, software, themes, and more that hardly get used.

You can get 100s of targeted subscribers on your list for pennies per click.

Give it a try, wait 48 hours, tweak and repeat until it works.

Worst Case Senario

After all, what's the worst that could happen?

Well, you could spend $5 or $10 dollars and nothing happens - big deal 
(you'll spend more than that on parking fees, tips and candy anyway 
this week).

Do you know what's more likely?

You grow your list, make more sales, and have a scalable asset in your 

It's a no-brainer...

Chat soon,

P.S. I'm searching for the simplest, most cost-effective FB Ads Training to recommend to you. Keep an eye out for my next email, I'll get back to you soon...

Riana Publishing (International), Rue de l'Horloge 10, Buchillon, Vaud 1164, Switzerland
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