Subject: I bet you don’t have this (you're losing money)

With what I am about to reveal to you 
today, it takes just 2 minutes to make 
more profits with your sites. 

Crazy, right? 

=> Click Here <=  

One simple embed code on the sidebar 
or at the bottom of the page… 

…and you make more profits from the 
same traffic. It works even if all you get 
is dead, cold SEO traffic. 

Best of all… 

It’s PROVEN to work - my friend Peter 
has tested this on a page that was getting 
12,151 dead cold SEO visitors… 

…and the conversions went up by 14.84%. 

Just click the link below to secure this 
embed code with a significant discount… 

…and start to make more money from 
your sites today (literally, it can start to 
happen just a few minutes from now). 

=> Click Here <=  

Profit from Persuasion, 

P.S. If you act fast you can secure this
EMBED code with up to $450 discount. 

=> Click Here <=