Subject: Don't think! [new DFY sales letter template]

This solves the #1 problem for most product creators and sellers...

If you've got a product to promote you NEED a sales letter... 

It's a big problem.

You can hire a copywriter for $1000s (if they’re any good) or do it yourself.

However, as you know, writing a sales letter is not easy…

Even if you have good copywriting skills it can be a daunting task.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a fail-safe blueprint to help you craft the perfect 
sales letter?

If only there was a simple, affordable, sales letter template that you could 
use again and again to create high-converting sales pages…

Introducing… “The TABOO Sales Letter Template” …
  • A professional copywriter’s fill_in_the_blanks sales letter template 
  • PDF template of a full super-converting sales page that includes all
    the highest converting elements (as used by the world's top earning
  • Comes with detailed, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions 
  • Includes all the latest cutting-edge advanced persuasion techniques, psychological triggers and subconscious commands
  • Based on scientifically-proven buyer behavior research
  • Uses the proven PsychoProfits™ Modular Copywriting Formula
  • Follows ALL The 21 Laws of Persuasion 
  • A million dollar sales letter format that has been tested, tweaked and
    refined by the world's top sales copywriters
  • Systematically breaks down every one of your reader's objections
  • The only sales letter template you’ll ever need
  • A quick-fix, fill_in_the_blanks blueprint you’ll use again and again…
My clients and students have been asking me for this for years. 

This is the first affordable sales letter template for marketers of all levels.

No expensive software, no monthly fees (the most popular template service
is $97 a month), just a simple, fill_in_the_blanks template.

I'm giving you the format - all you have to do is fill in the blanks – and you’ll 
have your own high quality sales letter in minutes.


For the next 48 hours only you can claim your copy of Taboo Sales Letter 
Template for just $9.95 by using the coupon code taboo48

 Grab the TABOO Sales Letter Template now ...

Profit from Persuasion,

P.S. On the PayPal payment page type taboo48 in the 'Coupon Code' box 
and click the 'APPLY' button.

 => Click Here <=


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