Subject: 🎯Just a reminder, in case your missed this months VIP newsletter.

Just a reminder in case you missed this month's new VIP Newsletter. Also, please note that I was cleaning up the list and doing some housecleaning. In the process, a few of you may have been re-subscribed as you were not getting the reminders and updates plus the free numerology gift promised when you subscribed originally. I hope this doesn't disrupt your day, and no, you are not subscribed twice. Enjoy the weekend. - Wealth - Health & Inner Peace, Dr. Rick

VIP Newsletter | September 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 9

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

 Welcome to this month's edition of Dr. Rick's VIP Newsletter. As reported by the well-known Coast to coast radio program, on August 14, 2021, a mysterious large 25-foot rubber duck appeared out of nowhere in Maine Harbor. The duck was emblazed with the word JOY across its chest.

Residents welcomed the newest guest to appear in the Main community. It is unknown where the duck came from, but the residents have embraced it and want to make it a part of their harbor ambiance. Although it is presumed by many of the residents that it became untethered and drifted into the harbor, they are not going to be quick about releasing ownership.

One presumes that the duck owners are now aware of its location since the strange story of its mysterious appearance in Belfast Harbor, Maine, has spawned worldwide headlines and will claim the drifter.

According to the Coast to Coast article, Katherine Given, the Belfast Harbor Master, said, "I have no idea who owns it, but it kind of fits here. A lot of people want to keep it here." She went on to say that since the duck is located in shallow waters and does not pose a navigational hazard, the city is perfectly fine with letting the bright yellow bird and its joyful message remains right where it is."

In a follow-up of the story, the Bangor Daily News reported that after a week's stay, the duck vanished in the night just as it had come. Where it has gone and if it will return is a mystery.

As with the giant duck and its message of JOY, we often have serendipitous things drift in and out of our life. A person, place, or thing mysteriously touches us and may bring a temporary JOY to our hearts. We often are not expecting it, and it may sadden us when it leaves to bring JOY to someone else. The session is to enjoy the moment and don't get too attached to the material. Don't be saddened when the energy leaves us, as it is just moving on to someone else.  

You can bring some JOY into your life or someone special with a gift from; the holidays are fast coming up, so what better time to pass a unique gift on to family, friends, and co-workers. Drop me a note and let me know what you would like to see in future newsletters Until next time...

Health, Wealth, and Inner Peace. - Dr. Rick

Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Being liked and valued by your peers is human nature, and there is no sin in wanting the validation of others. The only time it becomes negative is if you let it affect who you are in such a way that it interferes with your ability to be happy. It may seem hard to fathom, but you can learn to stop worrying about what others think so you can be satisfied and successful in life, your way.


Know Why You Care


The first thing you need to understand is that it’s normal to be concerned about what others think of you. It’s the worrying and changing who you are without enough information. That is the problem.


If you care what someone says because it’s true and you want to change because it will make you a better person and happy, then it’s perfectly acceptable to embark on implementing that change. But, if it’s just to keep up with the jones, jealousy, or some sort of competition, you may need to dig deeper.


Ask Yourself Important Questions


The first question you should ask is why you even care about what these people think in the first place. If the other person doesn’t like something you do or an opinion you value, what is the worse that will happen? It is likely not all that bad in the end, and you will move on from it.

"At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don't care what they think."


- Ann Landers

 Another question to ask yourself is, “Does it really matter?” “Will it matter in 100 years?” Does it really matter if your friend likes your dress if it makes you happy?


If it doesn’t change anything at the end of the day, then you are using your time inefficiently worrying about it. Instead, focus on what truly matters so that you can take your mind off the unnecessary.


You Don’t Need to Please Everyone or Anyone


This is truly important to understand. Your life's purpose is not to impress others or even please others. Sure, when you have a business, you want to provide value and solutions to your audience, but ultimately you need to do it in a way that makes you happy, or it won’t work.


Focusing on others too much is a sure way to fail because you will never be able to live up to everyone’s expectations as every single person is different and has different values that are personal to them.


Most people are not paying attention in the first place because they too, like you, are spending their time thinking about themselves more than others, which doesn’t have to be a bad thing if you’re empathetic and an unselfish person.


Learn to Love Yourself


The only thing that truly matters in your life is you. Do what you need to do to be happy and love yourself. It does not matter what other people think if you love yourself and are satisfied with your decisions at the end of each day.


There are plenty of activities you can do to be successful in this. Such as meditation, practicing a hobby, or completing personal exercises to get to know yourself better. Whatever you do, make sure it reminds you to love and accept yourself now for who you are today at this very moment, even as you work to improve the things you don’t like.


At the end of the day, if this is truly affecting your life negatively, it can be a good idea to seek the advice of a therapist. Therapists can help explain why your thoughts are not helpful and provide exercises to help work through them. Sometimes this anxiety you are feeling can be another underlining issue you may not have realized you had. Don’t be afraid to seek help while you look within yourself to move on and leave the worries of others at bay.


A reminder that Indigo Elephant Gifts is the ONE STOP unique giving store. Shop at your leisure from your home or office for family, friends, co-workers. Plus, you will get FREE SHIPPING on all orders above $24.99. We have gotten great feedback on all the 4,000 items we offer, so head on over now and don't miss out on the many exclusive gifts found no where else.

Visit Online Store

10 Traits of Integrity

By far, one of the most valuable human traits to have is integrity. This trait is often sought after in relationships, whether they be personal or professional.


Integrity is the act of always doing the right thing, no matter what, even without validation and, most importantly, whether someone saw you do it or not, or ever finds out about it.


If you have true integrity, you don’t just do the right thing when someone is watching you. You do the right thing because you value the right thing.


They take responsibility â€“ Anyone who takes responsibility for their actions even when they make a mistake is practicing integrity. They will often own up to their mistakes without a fight and do it calmly as well. As soon as they notice their error, they want to make it a priority for you to know that it is their responsibility, and they want to fix it.


 They are honest â€“ To have integrity, you must be honest in all situations. They usually do not possess the ability to lie because they know that a lie wouldn’t benefit anyone. They know that lying only leads to betrayal, and betrayal leads to mistrust. Lack of trust leads to destroyed relationships

"Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching."


- C. S. Lewis

Selfless â€“ Those with great integrity always put the needs of others before themselves. In fact, they take pride in it and enjoy it. They don’t help others just for praise. They do it because they want to and will always strive to do the right thing.


They don’t jump to conclusions â€“ They always give the benefit of the doubt and don’t jump to conclusions. They genuinely listen to what the other is saying and don’t make judgments about someone before they do it. Those with integrity think people are good first and always want to be good and act with that in mind.


Respectful – They know how to respect others from the start. They understand that respect is something everyone should be offered from the beginning, no matter who they are. They will never be rude to someone that is deemed by society as “below them.” Most believe respect is earned, but those with integrity offer it up naturally and without resistance.


Reliable – If they say they are going to do it, you can guarantee it will be done. In fact, they are so reliable that they will likely show up early or get the job done before it is due. It's unlikely procrastination or forgetfulness are terms often used by them. Being flakey is not a trait of someone with true integrity.


Trustworthy â€“ Those who possess integrity often have friends and acquaintances who always come to them for support or other things because they never let anyone down and don’t back away from promises or obligations set out for them.


Humble â€“ They don’t brag about their accomplishments and believe that who they are, as well as others, at the very moment, are valuable no matter what because they genuinely believe it. This means validation comes from within verses from others outside of their world.


Apologetic â€“ Just as they own up to their mistake, they will recognize when an apology is needed and do it as fast as possible. They will usually approach the situation first with an apology because they truly believe mistakes are only part of human nature. Nothing can’t be worked out and solved.


Kindhearted â€“ Last but not least, those who exude integrity are often very kind natured. They don’t gossip. If you ask them for help, this type of person will be there with open arms and are often around helping before you ask with no goal other than helping you.


If you want to have integrity, then try to emulate these traits as much as possible. Truly understand why you value integrity and make sure you want it for the right reasons. Remember, the true importance of integrity is being the best you that you can be without the need for someone watching you to ultimately do the right thing. To accomplish this, you need to explore what your principles and values are so you can make sure you live up to them.

4 Tips to Bring Your Mind to The Present

Bringing your mind to the present promotes happiness, reduces stress, and leads to ultimate fulfillment in life. Being in the present means that you experience and express value any given moment right now rather than dwell in the past. The truth is, we are only guaranteed now, this very moment, so it is crucial to use your time wisely.


Below are four tips that you need to follow if you want to learn how to stay in the present moment:


         1.  Pay close attention to your thoughts and emotions â€“ As soon as you think about something that happened in the past immediately change your thought to something you are doing now that feels positive. You can even practice looking around the room and naming at least five physical items you see that bring you joy and happiness. This practice will allow you to forget about the past so that you can focus on the now.


         2.  Create a vision board â€“ A vision board is usually a collage of images that represent your goals and dreams or desires. However, your goal is to practice mindfulness, so fill up the vision board with images that make you concentrate on the now. Maybe you can immerse in the moment when you are surrounded by the environment in trees or the ocean. If that is true, then go outside and take some pictures to use.


         3.  Extra Credit: While you are there, have fun and just enjoy the moment. Don’t even think about completing it. Eventually, it will get done and, in the meantime, you are doing exactly what you wanted to do in the first place -- and that is being in the present.


         4.  Practice â€“ Practice savoring the moment with mindfulness meditation. Go through the list of people, places, things, and focus on each item for which you are grateful. Meditate or do yoga to help you focus.


         5.  Don’t dwell on the past â€“ Try to only think about the past when there is a significant reason to do so. For example, it’s not staying in the past to investigate your metrics and data so that you can do better on a future project. However, if the result of this is only negative and is not useful to you now, as a lesson to improve your life, then learn to let it go. Mistakes happen.


While you follow these tips, you may need to change your routine to be successful. You now have a daily goal to shoot for, so if your current routine does not fit into this model, you may need to make a few changes. For example, now you need to take the time out to add in daily exercises that you never did before, but when you focus on being in the present, it will pay off.


Our next public event for 2021 will be SATURDAY AT 9 AM EST.

Tiffin Flea Market (Free admission & parking)

Seneca County Fairgrounds, Tiffin, Ohio

Old Merchant Build D-11.12

Sat, Sun, September 11,12 Sat 9-4 pm Sun 10-3 pm

Lucky Festival - Lucky OH (Free admission & parking)

Row C - Space 1-2

Friday - Sun September 24,25,26 Hours vary

Good Shepard Home Craft, Vendor & Bazar

Stacy's Place, Fostoria Plaza, Fostoria, Ohio

Thursday, September 30, 9-6 pm (note date and location change)

Tiffin Flea Market (Free admission & parking)

Seneca County Fairgrounds, Tiffin, Ohio

Old Merchant Build D-11.12

Sat, Sun, October 2,3 Sat 9-4 pm Sun 10-3 pm (Last show of the season)

We are pleased to announce that we will be for the first time at the...

Apple Butter Festival (Free admission & parking)

Synder's Pizza parking lot. Grand Rapids, OH

Sunday, October 10, 9-5 pm

We will be returning to the BG Flea Market for the 21-22 season...

BG Flea Market (Free admission & parking)

Wood County Fairgrounds, Bowling Green, Ohio

Location unknown at this time.

Sat, Sun October 16, 17 Sat 9-4 pm Sun 9-3 pm

Psychic Encounters and Indigo Elephant Gifts are registered service marks of Dr. Rick Allen Legg Sr., Ph.D. Reg #'s 4686149 and 4358904 Ohio Secretary of State. 2019-2021 Copyright 2021

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