Subject: Epic Fail! Friend Your Dec Dr. Rick's VIP Newsletter is Here.

VIP Newsletter | December 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 12

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

All the phrases come to mind! In the military it's called a FUBAR, other terms are a Goat Rodeo, Hot Mess, S**t Show, in polite society it may be called cringeworthy. No matter what term you use an Epic Fail is no fun, it can be embarrassing and it can cost you your job, your bank account, friends, and customers. But they happen.

Last night was an Epic Fail for me, my attempt at the first-ever Indigo Cyber Auction by all accounts was epic all right, unfortunately, followed by the word fail. Beyond my control, yes, disappointing? Yes, but I woke up this morning, looked at my office chair, and found no bloodstains, a functioning computer, and the sun shining.

What happened? Your guess is as good as mine. I suspect streaming overload, after all, it was Cyber Monday, and it seemed like everyone chose 7 PM est to hold their Facebook live sale. Bad timing? who knows or will ever know.

The takeaway, bad things happen, in most cases, you live to see another day, you try to figure out what went wrong and move on.

Often when I do readings for people I explain life is like a winding river, full of twists and turns. Occasionally a tree falls across the river, the river rises or falls at a moment's notice. That changes things, and you end up facing a situation that may not have been their moments before. You adjust and come up with a new plan, you just don't throw up your hands and walk away. Failure is always temporary and always a chance to learn. You probably have heard the story of Thomas Edison that failed at making the electric light bulb work, the number of attempts vary from hundreds to thousands by he kept at it and eventually one way or another was able to make it work and was credited for its success. Failure was not an option for Edison, no matter what it took.

Life can be tough and the last couple of years have proven that out, but keeping on, keeping on is the answer to most situations.

Be thankful, and share your positive energy with the Universe.

Health, Wealth, and Inner Peace. - Dr. Rick

How Your Thoughts Control Your Emotions

Your emotions are controlled in two ways: thoughts and actions. Any thought or action you take will create an emotional response. If you can’t adjust your thinking or thoughts, and actions together, it is unlikely that you will be able to control your emotions.


Thankfully, it is possible to control your thoughts, meaning that you can also manage your emotions.


Positive thoughts and thinking lead to positive results.


This is a common philosophy many people strive to live by, and you should too. The more you think positively throughout your day, the more your emotions will stay positive. Likewise, any action you take will also lead to thoughts. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more positive energy you will receive.


This is due to how powerful emotions can feel especially negative ones. Negative emotions and energy are hard to shake off and are contagious to others. If you have a negative emotion before you do something, chances are you will avoid doing it because you are not at your best.


Have you ever noticed how it feels like the rest of your day keeps going wrong when you start your day off badly?


"If you aren't the one controlling your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, then you are the one who is being controlled."


- Clyde Lee Dennis

Things are poorly caused because you never get over the bad mood and keep thinking and acting negatively. If you make a mistake or notice you are in a lousy mood, brush it off quickly, do something to help, you focus your thoughts differently. If you can, laugh, and then move on. Chances are, you will make fewer errors, and you will also be happier throughout your day.


Your thoughts can lead to three different responses to your emotions:


·         Negative – If you have a negative thought, your action will likely be adverse, and your emotions will match the negativity of those actions.


·         Positive – Positive thoughts can lead to more positive actions and emotions. In a more positive state, your brain is active, and you are likely to try your best, leading to fewer mistakes and better decision-making.


·         Neutral – A neutral or indifferent response can lead to both a neutral or negative response because being indifferent means you are not wholly responsive, which can lead to poor judgments or lackluster work. However, sometimes a tepid reaction is better than a negative one.


As you can see, what is going on in your mind can produce unwanted emotions that can negatively affect your life.


Emotions can affect how you act, which impacts your life even more negatively. Therefore, many strive to think more positively because it is one thing they can control on this wild ride of life. 


Discovering Your Strengths in Life & Business

Understanding your strengths is valuable to know if you want to lead a successful life, whether personal or professional. Your strengths are what provide value to you or others.


When you have a relationship with someone, you either solve a problem for them or provide value, even if it is as simple as listening to a friend. These strengths are more accessible than you think, and the following are ways you can discover your personal and professional strengths.


Use Skills Assessment and Personality Tests


These tests outline your strengths and weaknesses in areas that you may not have realized before. A personality test like Myers-Briggs is a great way to understand yourself more in life and business.


However, don’t allow one of these tests to overtake you. It’s okay to disagree with the results, take the tests honestly, and be open about the results. It’s all about learning.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, and it's about learning how to dance in the rain."


- Vivian Greene


Analyze Your Achievements


Regularly take time to analyze and list your achievements. If you distract yourself from negativity, work, and social media, you can discover your strengths within yourself. Meditation is a great way to clear your mind before you get started looking at what you’ve accomplished so far.


Focus on What Comes Naturally to You


Often, our strengths are in tasks that come naturally to us and may not even really “like.” This doesn’t mean you have to make that thing your life purpose or anything, but sometimes it’s good to focus on what is simple for you to do. It is just something you do because it is easy. However, you can learn to enjoy it more but take notice and learn more about it.


What Tasks Keep You Busy the Most?


What is something you are often assigned to do at work and keeps you busy the most? While you may not enjoy this task, your boss wouldn’t assign it to you this often if they didn’t believe you were the best to do it. Look into these tasks and see if there is a way to reinvent the wheel and make it more exciting or dig deeper to find out if there is more for you to learn in this area.



What Compliments Do You Receive?


What do you do that often results in compliments from others? Maybe you bake a cake every year that they can’t wait to eat or ask you to help them write their thesis statement. Take notice of these complements or go out and ask them. You may be surprised by the strengths that you possess, according to your friends and family.


It is easy to see that discovering your strengths does not have to be overwhelming or challenging. In fact, it is something that you are already doing every day at work or with a friend. Now that you know your strengths, take the time to perfect them, and use them to develop a life you want to live.



Does Self-Hypnosis Work?

Self-hypnosis is a practice suggested and performed by many medical professionals, from doctors to dentists. Self-hypnosis is a practice that benefits patients by inducing them into a trance-like state of extreme relaxation—this relaxation aids in stress relief, pain relief, and much more.


There are many theories as to why or how self-hypnosis works. Many people believe you experience these benefits because you are in the theta brainwave state, which is the same state you are in when you are daydreaming. This brainwave state promotes a sense of euphoria, which is why many find their way there.


Others believe self-hypnosis works by allowing your conscious mind to relax and letting your subconscious mind take over. Whatever the case, researchers know that it alters the waves because people in a hypnotic state experience heightened activity on the right side of their brain and decreased activity on the left side.


·         Stress relief – By far, one of the most sought out benefits of hypnosis is reducing stress can be accomplished with self-hypnosis. Stress is responsible for many health and life problems, and learning coping mechanisms improves life.


·         Increased resilience – When a person is resilient, they can take on any challenge at any given time and come back from it as if it didn’t happen. Those who have increased resilience are happier over time as they have developed skills to take on life challenges.


·         Relives pain – Believe it or not, one of the most popular reasons many try self-hypnosis is to relieve pressure points or illness due to inflammation, underlining diseases, or other health conditions. Researchers believe that when you are practicing self-hypnosis, your brain waves are changed, resulting in relaxation, resulting in pain relief.


·         Relieves symptoms – Due to the trance-like state of self-hypnosis, many practitioners also experience relief from cancer or other severe complications and provide more coping abilities and motivation to accomplish daily tasks.


·         Helps achieve your goals – Many use self-hypnosis as a way to trick the mind into doing certain things to create habits that were once unachievable. For example, many people use self-hypnosis to help them eat or exercise better.


Start using self-hypnosis today by finding a medical professional who performs it first. You’ll always do better learning first from a professional practitioner who can train you to conduct proper self-hypnosis sessions. However, if you cannot do that right now, you can even do it on your own by downloading smartphone applications. Many free, guided hypnosis applications or videos are dedicated to providing better sleep, focus, or improved mood.



Our next public event for 2021 will be SATURDAY AT 9 AM EST.

Saturday & Sunday December 10, 11, 9-4pm Sat. 10-3pm Sun

Bowling Green Flea Market - 4-H Building

Wood County Fairgrounds, BG, Ohio

Free admission & Parking

Saturday, December 18, 10am - 8pm

Located across from Claire's Boutique

Craft & Vendor Show

NorthTowne Mall

Defiance OH

Free admission & nice parking

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