Subject: 🐯Do you have the courage to read...Dr. Ricks June VIP Newsletter?

VIP Newsletter | June 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 6

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

The long-awaited news is finally here... After nearly a year, we finally have the new fully online store opened. Full details are below. It took a lot of effort and planning, and we are now the largest Northwest Ohio online metaphysical; store. Taking on such a project was urged on by the pandemic and all the shutdowns of businesses, employment situations, and rising costs. But, most of all, it took courage and consistency to take the leap and attempt something totally new.

What have you been putting off because you lack the courage to jump into something new? A job, relationship, idea, it all takes a planned leap of faith, but you can do it. Our feature article goes into more detail, and we also talk about family and an added article.

Before I go, I wanted to mention that I have several friends and colleagues who have requested Healing Energy be sent their way. So if you or a loved one or just a friend needs Healing Energy, send me a note, and I will be mindful in my Healing Energy Meditations,

Please put Healing Request in the subject line.

Health, Wealth, and Inner Peace. - Dr. Rick

How to Boost Your Courage

 It’s important to understand that the meaning of courage does not mean that you don’t feel afraid. It means that you feel the fear, but you do “it” whatever “it” is anyway. If you’re not afraid, you don’t need courage. If you want to do more things with courage, you’ll need to learn more and get help from others.

Educate Yourself


The more you know about anything, the less fear you’ll feel. So whenever you need courage, the best thing to do is learn more about the situation. Learn about every single angle, learn about different outcomes, read all studies, and get as much information as you can about whatever it is that causes you to fear.

Keep Your Physiological Responses in Check


You may wonder how some people act even in the case of fear without totally losing it emotionally. One way is to practice stoicism. That means that you recognize the fear but don’t let your emotions succumb to them. Doing this will help you calm down any responses that your body makes, such as shaking, crying, and so forth.

Borrow Courage from Friends


There is always power in numbers. Doing terrifying things with someone else almost always makes the activity easier to accomplish. When you find the right people to put on your team or join with to get things done, you can exponentially boost your courage.



"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor."

- Aristotle      



Focus on the Results


Another way to boost your courage is to focus only on the results that you are trying to achieve instead of the process. For example, if you know that when you finish this project, fewer people will suffer, that will help even if it’s hard to get it done.

Make Courage a Habit


Like most things, the more often you follow through on taking action, the more your skill will grow. The more you take that action, the more secure you’ll feel because you know what to expect, and you have more self-confidence due to past experiences. Your mind and body will remember that you can do it, even if you feel nervous or scared.

Implement The 2 Minute Rule


If you’ve done your research and you’ve taken precautions, do what you feared for at least two minutes. The key is to start because once you are engrossed in the activity, you don’t usually feel the need to stop.

Feel the Fear but Keep Going


As mentioned, the definition of courage is to feel fear but keep going anyway. This is truly the only way to conquer fears. No amount of education or planning will take away all the fear if courage is needed. Therefore, feel it, and do it anyway.

Focus on The Positive


It can be hard to be positive when you’re fighting negative self-talk. So fear to focus on the positive. However, if you find a way to do that, you’ll find that you can get so much more done even if you’re scared because you know why.


Courage is an important component in life because there are so many things that take courage. For example, even getting up each morning and walking out your door requires courage, but, likely, you never gave it much thought since you have had plenty of practice getting up and out of the house each day.

Power of Kindness Ecovers

Kindness isn’t one of those things we think about every day. And rarely do we think about it having a profound effect on the world around us. Kindness is in fact, often underrated and disregarded. This is in part because people who are kind are often viewed as “enablers” or “suckers” by the cynical.

In this fast-paced world, kindness and compassion take a back seat. Selfies, self-interest, and interacting through the online world only keeps us from being kind.

Many people today are so absorbed in their own life that they often forget how powerful being kind to others can be. Most don’t expect others to go out of their way and do something for them and not expect any reward or recognition in return.

Kindness is one of the essentials of our existence. From birth, we are nurtured in kindness. Therefore, kindness is a part of our DNA.

The power kindness has on you and the world.

Benefits you’ll receive by being more kind.

Tactics for being kind in stressful or negative situations.

Ways to be more kind to others.

How to give and receive kindness.

….and a whole lot more!

 You also get a kindness planner so you can plan your days including acts of kindness.

Claim Your Free Access:
The Power of Kindness

Simply enter your name, email address, and click ‘Sign Me Up!’ below to instantly receive your guide right away.

Your privacy is protected and your email address will only be used by Dr. Rick Allen, Ph.D to communicate with you about your Holistic Health needs through our newsletters and informative updates. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

If you are ready to make a positive impact on the world and on yourself, then get signed up right now. Just enter your first name and email address above to get your guide. It’s absolutely free.


I was hoping you could do me a favor; I am on a mission to share kindness. With so much hate in the world, a small bit of kindness can change the world. So get this free journal for yourself and send this share (and newsletter) to a friend, co-worker, or family member with who you want to share some kindness. Go here to get the FREE planner and guild. When your friends ask for the planner, they will also get this monthly newsletter and updates. Of course, they can easily unsubscribe at any time.

What Is In Store For You? Life does not have to be a mystery. Find out with a Personally Prepared Relationship Numerology Chart for 2021. What does the coming year have in store for or that special someone? Click here for details on your personal chart prepared personality and month readings for the next full 12 months. Prepared by Dr.Rick, A Level 2 Certifed Numerologist. CLICK THIS LINK NOW FOR DETAILS:


Building Healthy Family Relationships


Just being born into a family doesn’t automatically mean that you will get along with the other members or easily have a good relationship. Relationships take work if you want good ones.


People born to the same family can share just as many differences as total strangers. However, regardless of any issues outside or inside, you can build healthy family relationships purposefully if you were to know-how.


  1. Provide a Safe Judgement Free Zone â€“ When Dr. Phil first appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, he told everyone that home and family were supposed to “be a safe place to fall.” If you really want to build good relationships, you always need to be a good place to fall and seek to provide that.

  2. Create Memories of Moments Together â€“ Your life is comprised of moments. The moments in each day, week, month, and year combine to be memories of your life. If you want a close family relationship, make sure you have many joy-filled memories to call up when you need a reminder.

  3. Listen More Than You Speak â€“ You may get tired of hearing this, but you don’t need to talk all the time. Let other people talk. Listening to what others say is one of the most important components of communication. Remember to listen for understanding by asking leading questions that guide the conversations while demonstrating in your own words that you heard them.



"The family is one of nature’s masterpieces."


- George Santayana-




4. Craft a Family Vision / Mission Statement â€“ Within your nuclear family, it can help bring people together if they have a shared mission in life. You can make this about anything from baseball to helping the homeless. It’s your family and your vision. 

5. Resolve Conflict in Healthy Ways â€“ While learning to listen will go far in helping to reduce conflict, learning how to argue effectively can also bring families closer. However, one source of conflict is mostly one family member trying to control another family member’s thoughts and actions. If you can teach each person in the family that they are only empowered to control themselves, you can reduce the conflict.

6. Get Involved in a Goal Together â€“ Having a shared goal together as a family is another way to bring your family together. If you’ve had any conflict recently, planning to accomplish a goal together like building a chicken coop, starting a business, or anything that you can do together will help. 

7. Celebrate Each Member’s Accomplishments and Achievement â€“ Everyone should be supportive and show up when anyone in the family has something special happening. Supporting all family members at games, shows, awards, and so forth should be shared with as many family members to solidify the relationships even more. 

8. Support Each Other Through Difficult Times. If something bad is happening to anyone in the family or the entire family, pull together and be supportive even if it’s not something you necessarily agree with, which will bring everyone that much closer together.

9. If you want to have healthy family relationships, it will take a little bit of effort on your part and the part of others. However, you can only control what you do and say, not what anyone else does or says. So keep being the best version of yourself, and often others will follow.

FREE BONUS FOR VIP MEMBERS - 10-meditation booklet and audio meditation music. There is no sign-up; download the pdf eBook file now (the music bonus link is in the booklet. Please use and share.

Finding Your Hidden Talents Through Hand Reading

Dr. Rick Allen, Ph.D.

Hand reading or palmistry can offer numerous benefits. First, it can assist in finding the right direction and acquiring a sense of reason. Second, many people seek help from various hand readers to get valuable ideas on their weaknesses and strengths. This enables them to make decisions regarding professional life, their love life, different choices, and possibly health issues.

Finally, for those who get easily confused and have a hard time acting, hand reading can be a greatly beneficial source for them in the decision.

Hand reading represents many aspects of one’s life depending upon the major lines such as the Lifeline, Heartline, and Headline. These lines signify some major personality traits and things like a person’s belief and fate; a good hand reader also uses other hand characteristics when reading. This is an effective way to discover some hidden talents in terms of your personality.

Confused is common and can waste a lot of time searching for the right track, both personal and professional. Hand reading can often tell you what you can do and what might be the best track for a career or relationship. Though all forms of readings like Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, and Runes, it likely will not be 100% on the mark, it can help by directing you to the right path.

Hand reading can find out some amazing and unique qualities of an individual that can be further capitalized upon. These qualities may also assist you in becoming more successful in directing you on the exact path, and you may even find the courage to take the path less traveled. It can be an enlightenment to an individual, clearing the doubts so you can have a clearer understanding. Hand reading illustrates the positive and negative things in your life.

You will gain a greater appreciation and understanding of hand reading can be achieved through experiencing it. A good hand reader acts like a coach or consultant who takes the facts and information obtained through the hand to understand what makes you tick. So, to speak.

Discover new things in hidden qualities and direct life towards self-discovery, personal happiness, and self-fulfillment. If you would like more information, you can find some excellent books and tools at the online store; check it out.


Our next public event for 2021 will be

JUNE 12, 13, Sat 9-4 pm Sun 9-3 pm

We are in our usual location, Old Merchant Building, D-11-12SATURDAY AT 9 AM EST.

Tiffin Flea Market

Free admission and parking Northwest Ohio's Largest Vendor, Craft and Flea Market. Lots of Food wagons and trucks.

Seneca County Fairgrounds Tiffin Ohio

June 26, 27

9-5 pm both days

Pickers Paradise

Henry County Fairgrounds


Or visit our New Online Store Anytime 24/7 For All Your Needs.

Event by VFW 9963 Walbridge Oh

Walbridge VFW 9963 109 N.Main st

Saturday at 9

Craft Show Feb.6th, 2021 9 am -1 pm Hosted by Walbridge VFW 9963, 109 N. Main St Walbridge, For Craft Show information, you can call Richard @ 419-  | or our for one of a kind gifts Etsy Store

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