Subject: 🧿Did Dr. Rick forget? ...

VIP Newsletter | August 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 8

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

As we move into late summer here in the USA, what does the future hold? There is still a ton of negative energy holding us down, and we face the possibility of more mandates but keep your energy levels up, eat properly, stress less, and get some good solid rest in; we can do this and get through it all. This month's newsletter is shorter than usual as I am very busy with vendor shows this month, and frankly, time just got away from me. None of us are perfect, so I've got an article on helping to create schedules to keep us on track. I always get many questions on The Law of Attraction and talk a bit about that, and I will have a workshop this fall if enough interest is shown. Don't forget to check out the special VIP 10% savings at Drop me a note and let me know what you would like to see in future newsletters Until new time...

Health, Wealth, and Inner Peace. - Dr. Rick

Creating Schedules that Make Time for Fun

Creating schedules that really work helps you achieve more without burning out. Schedules ensure that you have enough time and the right tools to do any task or experience anything that you want to without completely losing it when the unexpected happens. To create a schedule that makes time for fun, you’ll need to follow these steps.


Know Your Priorities â€“ Before you can create any type of schedule for your life, you really need to know what your priorities are in terms of the impact you want to make. Try writing a mission statement for your life and your business. This can inform your choices going forward.


Learn to Say No â€“ When you know your priorities, it’s easier to know what to say no to and what to say yes to. Saying no, or at least “let me check my schedule,” is an important way to gain some control over your schedule so that you know that when you do take actions, it impacts the results.


Focus on Impact â€“ When you look at the impact your choices make, from your child’s life to your business, to your work life, or your marriage and relationships, it becomes easier to know what to say yes to and no to.

"Have fun in your command. Don't always run at a breakneck pace. Take leave when you've earned it, spend time with your families."


- Colin Powell

Understand What the Task Really Takes â€“ When you make your schedule, don’t lie to yourself about how long something takes or avoid figuring out where bottlenecks can happen. Run through the most efficient process and give yourself enough time to do it.


Group Tasks Together â€“ When you can group tasks together, you can save time. This works at home and at work. If you know you must go to the doctor, it makes sense to run by the store on your way home. If you need to get on social media to post updates, it makes sense to use some of the time for engagement.


Use the Right Tools â€“ Don’t try to do anything without the right tools. It’s okay to cobble together things sometimes, but the best way to succeed is to use the right tools for each task that you need to do. By doing this, each action you take really makes a difference.


Establish Systems and A Routine â€“ Just like the right tools will help you get things done right and more efficiently, so will creating a routine and systemizing everything you can. When you do things in a specific order every time, you reduce mistakes too.


Schedule Everything Including Downtime â€“ Don’t forget to schedule your sleeping, eating, movie time, and really everything you do. When you want to do something, make it appear in the schedule so that you know you really have time for it.


Finally, you must create flexible schedules that consider reality. For example, if you have kids, you need to be able to determine if a situation is an emergency or not before scheduling things. Have criteria in place that help you make good choices so that you put your priorities and the impact you create first while avoiding neglecting yourself or your loved ones.


A reminder that online Indigo Elephant Gifts welcome all the exceptional VIP Members, we invite you to enjoy a 10% Off discount on your total order from now through August 31. All you need do is enter the one-time VIP code VIP-Bang in the discount coupon area when you checkout. Plus, you will get FREE SHIPPING on all orders above $24.99. We have gotten great feedback on all the items we offer, so head on over now and don't miss out on the exclusive 10% Off and Free Shipping NOW! The secret code is VIP-10, just enter when you put your to order info in.

Visit Online Store

Does Law of Attraction Really Work?

It’s great to have a productive life; however, being busy doesn’t mean you’re productive. The best way to be more productive is to simplify your life. If you focus on making things faster, easier, and simpler, you can get even more done while reducing stress.


1.    Declutter and Organize â€“ When you are surrounded by disorganization and clutter, it can make it take much longer to get anything done. If you have a home for everything and a place to do the things you like to do, it’ll all go much more smoothly.


2.    Plan Meals â€“ Don’t leave something as important as your nutrition to chance. Instead, plan meals. When you plan meals, you can ensure that the things you make provide what you need at your skill level and within your timeline.


3.    Keep an Active Task List â€“ Before you add anything to a list, ensure that it’s a task that helps you meet a goal you’ve set. The way to do that is to create SMART goals and, from those goals, create active tasks so that on any given day, you can look at your list and know what you need to do today.

"To be successful, you have to be willing to be successful. You have to believe in the law of attraction -

that you create your own life."


- Ted Danson

Improve your weaknesses by outsourcing or learning more and lead with your strengths because it’s the fastest way to success since you are already good at that.

Set SMART Goals and Write Them Down

You can not accomplish a goal if you don’t understand that you can do it. SMART goal setting ensures that anything you want to do is not only specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely but that you have a road map to achieving the goal. The process of creating these types of goals helps you set up a schedule of actions to take.

Visualize Your Goals as If They’re Already Met

Once you’ve set your goals, you can make a vision board to help you visualize the target as if it’s already met. You can see that new house you want, or that new business you’re building, at its finest in your imagination. Since you’ve created realistic goals, doing this part will give you that inspiration and passion for driving you to finish.

Set Up Achievable Steps Toward Reaching Your Goals

The goal-setting process will end up with a final deliverable that you can get done by working your way backward to today. Start with the deadline and add in the things you need to do each day to get to that deadline on time.


For example, if you wanted to write a 100,000 word Young Adult Novel, you’ll write down every single step required to finalize it from the outline to the publishing company so that you have step-by-step actions that you can put into play each day.

Implement Your Plan 

You can do all the above, but if you don’t check your calendar and schedule and do the plans you’ve set in motion to do today, you won’t achieve your goals. This is a crucial element in the law of attraction called to action. Without action, your results aren’t repeatable or realistic.


This is a plan that is something you can do for every single goal you have. Check your progress periodically and adjust as you go so that you know you’re truly achieving what you set out to do.


As you can see, the truth about the law of attraction is that anyone can do it if they set up goals that work for them and follow the steps. It’s not magic. It’s just about figuring out what you can do realistically to get to the result you desire and then do it again and again.



10 Tips to Improve Your Memory

Even if you think you have a good memory today, it’s one of those things that if you don’t put it to use, it does stop working. We are very dependent on our devices now because most of us cannot remember our own phone numbers, but that doesn’t have to be the case if you know what to do. These ten tips will help you improve your memory.


1.    Eat a Healthy Diet â€“ What constitutes a healthy diet isn’t as hard as people make it. Eat enough calories for your body type, eat a wide variety of plants, and limit refined products with a lot of artificial ingredients and sugars.


2.    Sleep 7 to 9 Hours Each Night â€“ Studies show that sleep is one of the most critical ingredients to ensure good health and good memory. Try to set up a good daily schedule so that you can sleep enough each night. Your body will adjust if you create habits.


3.    Exercise At Least 150 Minutes a Week â€“ Over-exercising is not suitable for you at all, so if you’ve been worried about exercise, understand that most people only need to walk at a moderate pace for 150 minutes a week to maintain their health and weight.


4.    Drink Enough Fluids â€“ It’s hard to imagine in our world of plenty, but many of you are walking around chronically dehydrated. The only thing you can drink that really helps is plain, filtered tap water. You need to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water each day to maintain health and improve your memory.


5.    Avoid Drinking Alcohol and Recreational Drugs â€“ While you do want to have a balanced life, using alcohol or other recreational drugs daily will affect your memory in a bad way. If you want to keep your memory sharp, avoid them as much as possible and indulge only occasionally.


6.    Take the Right Supplements as Needed â€“ Ask your doctor to test your blood for any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Have them look especially at your B vitamins and your vitamin D levels. These help you maintain better memory, and if you have a deficiency improving, it can help.


7.    Spend Time in Silence â€“ Many studies show a connection between experiencing more silence to having a better memory. Find times during the day to disconnect from sound and thought. Try meditating so that you can empty your mind and experience silence and nothingness at least once a day for 20 minutes.


8.    Practice Mindfulness â€“ Being mindful means that you are fully aware of what you are experiencing at any given moment. Really be present for your experiences so that your mind can work as well as possible. Let go of multitasking so that you can focus better.


9.    Read Every Single Day â€“ The more you know, the better your memory recall. Using your mind to read more books, including nonfiction and fiction works, will help you improve your memory naturally just because you’re using it.


10. Play Fun Games That Require Memory â€“ Play games that help you with your memory, such as crossword puzzles, math games, and more. There are many games you can use here that will help you train your brain to remember more.


As you find more ways to incorporate a little bit of memory training into each day within about six weeks, you’re going to start noticing a vast difference. The brain is easily trained, just like your body. You must make it a priority.


Our next public event for 2021 will be SATURDAY AT 9 AM EST.

Northwest Ohio Antique Machinery Association Show 

Findlay, Ohio Fairgrounds

August 5 - 8 (Hours vary; check website)

Arlington Village Festival

Friday 13 & Sat 14, 4 pm till dark

Community Park, Arlington, Ohio

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