Subject: Deja vu, I'm such an idiot!

Sometimes I'm an idiot!

I know, you would never agree with me but, yes, in my hurry to get the newsletter done last night I hit delete and trashed the newsletter, so I had to redo it late int the night.

In my rush, I noticed I forgot to drop the March "From the desk of..." and didn't even catch it when I looked it over.

So, I find;t see it until I sent the newsletter out. I've corrected it so if you have already downloaded the newsletter you can get the corrected edition by clicking below again. If you haven't downloaded it yet, I encourage you to do so now. It's very timely and a gift you can really use.

So get right to it, here's your link for this month corrected VIP Newsletter. :

Health - Wealth - Inner Peace

  • Dr. (Who agrees I'm an idiot!) Rick

PS, If you have any problems opening the newsletter let me know.

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