Subject: Friend, 🆘Nothing Ever Goes Right!

From Dr. Rick Allen

We all have those times when it just seems things just don't go as planned.
We've all had more than a few of them recently.

I have to say with a steady diet of meditation, the practice of the law of
attraction LOA and practicing kindness through Ho'opnopono cleaning I,
for the most part, have been blessed.

You can grab this months VIP newsletter right here:

But, before you do, read this message of inspiration.

I'm happy also to report one of my private coaching clients who
is also practicing the LOA told me over the weekend she is also
experiencing her own blessings.

Her story quickly is that she was challenged with getting a job because of
a record of addiction. She is also having domestic problems.

Being clean and sober she is ready to pull her life together and start anew
however it's sometimes hard to find an employer willing to give you a break.

I gave her some possible solutions and this past week she has found
employment and after only a week on the job she received a pay
substantial pay increase and has been given more responsibility. She is in
the process of moving and getting away from the negative situation she is
in and although stressed she is doing well and all this in a short time.

She also informed me that she is being smart and wearing a protective
gem bracelet.

I sense she will get back on track and once return to owning her own

This months newsletter is about our body image, stress and what to do
when life gives you lemons.

So, let's get right to it, here's your link for this month’s VIP Newsletter.

Until next time, Friend, may you have
Health - Wealth - Inner Peace

Dr. (life can change fast) Rick

PS, if you have any problems opening the newsletter let me know.