Subject: 🔮Friend It's here the BIG Double issue Dr. Rick VIP Newsletter

VIP Newsletter | April-May 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 4,5

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

What happened? The April newsletter marked the first issue that did not make it, Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't. All I can say is that life happens. As with so many others we are living in stressful and uncertain times.

For the last several issues I have offered free a 10-minute meditation book and audio, if you are not practicing at least a daily meditation you need to consider doing so, The negative energy. It helps greatly in getting through the rough times and helps spread positive energy throughout the Universe.

I hope you are enjoying the spring weather, get out, get some fresh air and enjoy the marvels of nature.

Before I go, I wanted to mention that I have several friends and colleagues who have requested Healing Energy be sent their way. If you or a loved one or just a friend needs Healing Energy, send me a note, and I will be mindful in my Healing Energy Meditations,

Please put Healing Request in the subject line.

Health, Wealth, and Inner Peace. - Dr. Rick

Developing Self-Compassion: How to Stop Beating Yourself Up

  If you have a habit of beating yourself up, you are lacking self-compassion. The truth is if you would not say the words to someone you care about, you shouldn’t let your inner voice say them to you. Instead, work toward developing acceptance of yourself and others.


Avoid Negative Self-Talk


Don’t allow yourself to speak negatively to or about yourself. It’s okay to accept responsibility, which is quite different from derogative statements. “I messed up because I didn’t look both ways” is acceptance of a mistake. However, “I am stupid for not looking both ways” is not an acceptable way to talk to anyone, including yourself.


Practice Self Kindness


Practice being kind to yourself. For example, instead of telling yourself to just quit a job, turn the tables, and give yourself the same encouraging advice, you would give a friend or family member. Do something nice for yourself as if you were your own friend because in reality, you are your best friend and your own worst

enemy. Kick the enemy to the curb.


"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

 - Dalai Lama       



Don’t Compare Yourself to Other People


Avoid comparing yourself to others. Everyone has different abilities and positives about themselves. If you have a big nose, instead of classifying it as ugly, focus instead on your beautiful bright eyes and the fact that you even have a nose to do things noses do.


Recognize Learning Opportunities


Every single surprising result, event, or situation is an opportunity to learn something new. It’s not a time to think negatively or place blame. Some of the best products and inventions were brought to light because something unexpected happened. Penicillin, potato chips, Silly Putty, Microwave ovens, corn flakes, and sticky notes were all due to unexpected results and learning opportunities. Keep trying and learning.


Get Help from a Professional


If you are having difficulty being kind and compassionate to yourself, you may need to consider getting help from a professional counselor. Many people suffer from “imposter syndrome” that affects the ability to be kind to themselves. Seek help to identify your issues accurately.


Be Patient


Anytime you want to make a change, remember it’s not going to happen overnight. Don’t set yourself up for failure by expecting it. Instead, craft a plan that will enable you to tackle your self-compassion issues over time dealing with one thing at a time.


Cultivating self-compassion takes time if you’re not accustomed to thinking of yourself in this manner. You may need to work with a supportive, qualified counselor to help you work through any roadblocks that keep you from feeling compassion and self-love.


What Is In Store For You? Life does not have to be a mystery. Find out with a Personally Prepared Relationship Numerology Chart for 2021. What does the coming year have in store for or that special someone? Click here for details on your personal chart prepared personality and month readings for the next full 12 months. Prepared by Dr.Rick, A Level 2 Certifed Numerologist. CLICK THIS LINK NOW FOR DETAILS:


Thriving Through Life's Transitions


Throughout your life, you’ll encounter many transitions such as going through childhood, becoming an adult, parenthood, and so forth. You may also experience transitions like buying a home, having an unfortunate accident, and changing jobs. Whatever transitions life brings, you can thrive through them all if you are the know-how.


Understand the Value of Now


You’ve heard that being mindful and present is essential. However, life sometimes distracts you from the here and now. Learn how to focus on what is happening at the moment. Smell the air, feel the sadness, experience the joy right now.


Focus on One Thing at A Time


Instead of placing your focus in multiple places at once, set up your life so that you can schedule your activities in a way that enables you to concentrate on one thing at a time truly. Multitasking doesn’t work, not in reality and not in your mind; let it go.



"Look on every exit as being an entrance to somewhere else."


- Tom Stoppard



Find the Humor in Life


Sometimes it can be hard to see the humor in life unless you actively look for ironic humor. It is funny that two-year old’s have nuclear meltdowns, only when you’re not expecting them. Find the humor in even the most mundane or chaotic things to get through each day.


Change Is A Normal Part of Life


When everything seems to be on track, you can bet there is a change in the routine on the way. The faster you can accept the change and shift gears, the sooner you’ll adapt to what’s happening around you and move on.


Know Who You Are and What You Value


Your personal morality and values are essential for you to know. When you have values that you can look to for answers, it will help ensure that your decisions are right.


Make and Maintain Self Care Routines


When something big happens, either bad or good, double down on your self-care routines. Eat healthy, sleep enough, and stay positive to make good decisions based on reality and not just your emotions.


Build Your Social Community


People don’t thrive alone. You may be an introvert. You may not really like being around people most of the time. However, it would be best if you connected with others. Build supportive relationships with like-minded individuals that you trust and can rely on.


Seek Support from Your Connections


Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Your friends, family, workgroup, and other connections want you to succeed in life. They may not always know how to help you, but if you’ve chosen well, they will support you as needed.


Thriving through difficult transitions is possible if you prepare for inevitable changes. You will get older. Your kids will grow up and leave home. Your parents will age and pass away, leaving you to take over where they left off. Take the good with the bad and show others how to thrive.




5 Ways Relaxation Benefits Brain Health

You need to relax…

Odds are you have heard this line of advice at some real opportune time, where it seemed like absolute crap. How are you supposed to relax in the middle of finals, with 6 project deadlines, while you work 60 hour weeks, when the baby won’t stop crying, etc.? Whatever your personal reason for your stress and tension, there are good reasons for you to take the ridiculous advice above.

This Scientific America suggests finding some time in your routine to relax; you are sure to score substantial benefits. The part of you to benefit the most from your reprieve will be your brain, and here is how.

1.      Stopping Your Never-Ending Stress Cycle

The opposite of relaxation is stress, so obviously, relaxation is to reduce your stress. But, what you may not know is your stress cycle is probably on overdrive, all the time wreaking havoc on your mind and body.

Giving your brain time to process the barrage of information constantly coming to us is the whole point of relaxation. As your stress decreases, you will automatically experience the benefits on this list and many more. Breaking the constant stress cycle is the biggest and most unseen benefit you will get from finding the time to relax.



“There is no person, thought, idea, memory, image, feeling, or sensation in the past, in the press, or ever to arrive in the future that could interfere with my success.”

― Courtesy of Hypnotist Don Mottin i

2.      Better Sleep

Sleep is the gold standard for relaxation. We all know that. The experts say everyone needs 7-9 hours of it to function at their highest capacity. However, even if you make it into bed in time to get your standard 8 hours, how long is it before you fall asleep. Rest lets your brain catch up and organize the information you have had coming at you all day.

If you don’t take a break before bedtime, you likely lay awake at night, sometimes for hours. Relaxing and taking breaks during the day has the potential to improve the quality of your much-needed sleep. This becomes even more important and effective if you find it uncommon to meet the daily recommendation on sleep.

3.      Boost Decision Making and Memory

This is the big one. The most studied phenomenon studied regarding relaxation is the measurable boost you get in concentration, decision making, and memory. These studies show results in mice, like the study cited in this Huffington Post,  and in humans, like the studies site in this Scientific America.

This is the number one, real, measurable brain benefit found from all forms of relaxation from deep breaths, meditation, and sleep.

4.      A Major Uptick In Creativity

You are writing an article, working on a presentation, or any other project you must get done, and you can’t seem to get it right. Something is missing… what is it? After hours of working, rearranging, and editing, you decide to call it quits. Step away from your project. Call it a day, maybe.

Then the most frustrating thing happens, as you drive home, cook dinner, or shower that night, the answer floats its way into your head. The answer to the whole thing, tying it all together. The rest, the actual stepping away from the task at hand, is the key. Not thinking about it, the relaxation gives the brain time to process information and make connections that are not readily seen. Relaxation leads to creative solutions and creativity in general.

5.      Protect Your Brain From Serious Depression

Clinical depression is an imbalance of hormones in the brain. Sometimes, this imbalance can be triggered by a continuous influx of other hormones, like stress hormones. The imbalance can be brought on during times of great difficulty, like a divorce or the death of a loved one. Stress can exacerbate mood upsets in people with a history of depression.

Relaxing can evacuate stress hormones and allow serotonin and dopamine levels to return to natural and regular levels. Doing so before there are any symptoms protects you from developing long-term symptoms of depression.

Relaxation is a powerful force for good and health in your body. The benefits are well-documented and could be described as universal, young, old, human, and mouse. All experience negative, degenerative effects during prolonged periods of stress and positive, restorative effects immediately the following relaxation. 

Take the time to relax for the benefits of your mind, body, and your work, whatever your work may be. And the dinner is good. Instead of saying it’s good, try finding more positive words to describe it and blow the description out of the water with the positivity you use.


Finding ways to surround yourself with positivity and positive words can uplift you and everyone around you more than almost anything else. Even if you don’t initially feel it, it’s just like when you smile to make yourself feel better. After a moment of smiling, it starts working, and you do feel a little better. The same thing can be said about accepting the damage from negative words and thoughts, and then focusing on turning that around will make you feel a lot happier and self-confident.

FREE BONUS FOR VIP MEMBERS - 10-meditation booklet and audio meditation music. There is no sign-up; download the pdf eBook file now (the music bonus link is in the booklet. Please use and share.

What Is Mantra Meditation?

Many people perceive meditation as sitting quietly cross-legged, emptying your mind, and breathing at a relaxed pace. This is a vast oversimplification of the process as meditation can take many forms, including mantra meditation.

According to the EOC Institute, this form of non-silent meditation has several very positive benefits. Single words or short phrases repeated to a regular rhythm can promote a very focused and effective meditation session. A combination of the positive vibrations of the words, the intention behind the mantra, and the natural release of energy is a highly effective tool for calm and focus. 

How It Works

During silent meditation, we can all too easily allow the thoughts we are trying to quiet into our minds and lose the benefit of the activity. It’s the same concept as when we can’t get to sleep at night because our concerns keep us awake. With nothing to focus on, we are left open to the things in our day that upset us or caused us undue stress.

Using a mantra in our meditation gives us something to focus on, and the simplicity of it still allows us to reach a state of calm and relaxation. The mantra we use could be a phrase that focuses on improving our health and happiness, or it could merely be a word with no relevance.

The importance is focusing on the rhythm and vibrations in our body when we make the sound. This could be the classical “Om” sound depicted so prevalently as associated with meditation many years. It is more intended as a simple word to say than having a deep meaning. 

How It Can Help

Those seeking the benefits of meditation are often looking for the stress-relieving and emotional focusing aspects of the process. These are beneficial for our mental, physical, and spiritual health, which means we can greatly improve our daily lives with regular meditation.

According to the EOC Institute, there are several benefits to mantra meditation which include:

·      Increasing physical energy

·      Releasing endorphins

·      Regulating heart rate

·      Enhancing brain waves

·      Lowering blood pressure

·      Quieting the mind

·      Boosting positive thinking

A combination of stress relief and positive influence means that mantra meditation could help people improve their health. This would include finding the motivation and focus to embark on a healthy diet and a new exercise regime. The positivity that this meditation can also instill can mean improvements in mental health and emotional relationships. 

What Makes a Good Mantra

If you are looking for a good mantra to add to your meditation, you might choose a goal you wish to achieve. If you perhaps want to be more healthy, more prosperous, or more loving of yourself, you could create a mantra associated with that. It should be a short, simple phrase such as “I love myself” or I attract success."

Alternatively, you can look deeper into mantras and search for one of the classical ones, such as Aham-Prema, which translates to “I am divine love.”

The importance of the words is a personal thing as some people want to choose a mantra that matches their needs. Other people may merely need a word or phrase to help with the focus aspect, in which case a simple Om or Aum may suffice. They have multiple meanings, but often this meaning is not what is important to the person. 

Final Thoughts

Mantra meditation is a very beneficial activity and can be done by anyone motivated to do so. It can bring clarity and focus to an otherwise jumbled mind and help in almost all aspects of our lives.



This years' Most Popular Metaphysical find - Feng Shui Black Obsidian Bracelet

Obsidian is a natural, volcanic glass. It is a powerful crystal for protection, helping to clear the buildup of psychic smog within your aura. A bodyguard to your soul, the Obsidian stone also protects you from shadow traits -- fear, anxiety, addiction, and anger by acting as a mirror to your inner self. Black Obsidian also resonates with the root chakra as it aids with grounding and connecting to the Earth.

You may have seen similar bracelets offered online that look the same but are low quality, plus you have to wait weeks for them to arrive from China. The ones we have are the highest quality we could find, and we have the right here ready to send, or if local, we can deliver them. Ours also comes in a nice gift box, black velveteen pouch, and full instructions.

Selling online for as high as $49.00 plus shipping. We have a special gift offer of $24.97 for one or 2 - for $32.00 with free shipping.

Send us an email with Bracelet in the subject line, and we will send back an invoice. Include quantity, name, and mailing address;

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