Subject: 🔮Friend A Second Look...

Hi, Welcome to a new year of challenges and dreams. With all the business of the holidays, you might have missed this month's VIP Newsletter. I wanted to make sure you saw it; it has some great articles and my predictions (like them or nor, believe them or not) for the coming year. If you find the newsletter of interest, your friends and family might as well, so share away and have them go to https://DrRickAllen.Com to start getting their news, discounts, freebies, and more. - Dr. Rick Health, Wealth and Inner Peace

VIP Newsletter | January 2022 | Vol 3 Issue 1

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

Why We May Not Want To Be In A Hurry To Let 2021 Go…

Here we are at the end of another year filled with uncertainty, and as far as I can determine, 2022 will not hold much improvement, at least until the end of the summer. Numerology is of little help in forming predictions involving our world because we don't have an accurate birthdate of when the earth was born. Astrology can be helpful but not a specialty of mine. If I try casting Tarot cards, it is vague in the answers concerning predictions and best left to individual readings.

So, let us turn to an old master of prophecy, Nostradamus.

Nostradamus's predictions are confusing and even learned scholars have trouble understanding his predictions at times. But, with the help of the New York Post, let's see what he has to say along with my predictions added.  

Inflation will continue for a few more months, leading to higher prices and shortages. Personal rights will continue to be replaced, and covid related viruses will stay. Mental health will be the number one illness that humans will face in the coming year and beyond.

Concerning wars, the threat of nuclear development will bring much concern. Many decisions will be made that will escalate the possibility of conflict throughout the world and for the first time-space as we know it.

The proof will be forthcoming as officials admit that intelligence beyond our world does exist and has for some time. However, Bigfoot will remain elusive.

Cryptocurrencies will take a giant leap forward in 2022 as far as being accepted as a legitimate currency, however, as always the government will have its hand ready to regulate and grab its share of the income. Although the stock market will drop and rollercoaster through 2022, it eventually will recover. Metals will continue to increase but not as rapidly as previous predictors have said. Silver stands the best chance of increasing the fastest according to financial gurus.

A continued increase in oil prices will increase seeing all-time highs in the spring but will even out toward late summer. The financial outlook will be bad news for short-term investors, good news for the long term.

A significant turn in US politics will awaken many, causing a surprising political balance not seen in decades.

An unprecedented number of people will create their own work environments, and free-lancing services will become an alternative to the daily job situation. Many businesses will downsize full-time staffing in place of hiring individuals on an "as needed" basis.

That's what I see in store for the coming year. It sounds a bit bleak for most, but you can make your life what you want it to be. It's up to you, your dreams, and your ambitions. Continue to send high positive energy into the Universe. Your individual vibrations do make a difference.

I hope you have a great 2022.

May you have Health-Wealth and Inner Peace for each of you.

 - Dr. Rick

Bring More Optimism into Your Life

If Its true that due to genetics, some people are more optimistic than others. However, did you know that you can learn to become more optimistic? If you are committed to being more optimistic, try these 8 ways to become more optimistic.


Practice Positivity


If you tend to first thing negatively try to turn your thoughts around by actively pursuing positive thoughts. If a negative thought comes to your mind, turn it around in a positive way.


Turn Off Your News


You don’t have to be uninformed, but cable news is delivered with a lot of sensationalism, and sadly, most people respond more to negativity. That’s why it’s so negative. Get your news from local sources and avoid opinion news and infotainment.


Journal Your Gratitude Daily


Keep a gratitude journal by your bedside. Each evening write down three things that you’re grateful for today. You can do it quickly by using simple bullets to describe your gratitude. is true that due to genetics, some people are more optimistic than others. However, did you know that you can learn to become more optimistic? If you are committed to being more optimistic, try these 8 ways to become more optimistic.


Practice Positivity


If you tend to first thing negatively try to turn your thoughts around by actively pursuing positive thoughts. If a negative thought comes to your mind, turn it around in a positive way.


Turn Off Your News


You don’t have to be uninformed, but cable news is delivered with a lot of sensationalism, and sadly, most people respond more to negativity. That’s why it’s so negative. Get your news from local sources and avoid opinion news and infotainment.


Journal Your Gratitude Daily


Keep a gratitude journal by your bedside. Each evening write down three things that you’re grateful for today. You can do it quickly by using simple bullets to describe your gratitude.

"Optimism doesn't wait on facts. It deals with prospects. Pessimism is a waste of time."


- Norman Cousins


Accept That You Can’t Control Everything


One thing that causes people to lose their hopefulness is loss of control. However, if you can accept that you can’t control everything that can help you be more accepting and therefore, more optimistic.


Listen Acknowledge but Don’t Focus on Negativity


You cannot ignore negativity totally because they are often real things. It is sad when people die, money is lost, or a tornado blows down a house. It’s normal to feel sad, negative, and upset over these things. Don’t place all your focus here though, instead find more confident that are positive to focus on.


Find Friends Who Are Positive Too


They say that birds of a feather flock together. If you have any friends or family members who are especially negative, try to limit your association with them and find more people to hang out with who are positive too.


Develop A Few Positivity Focused Affirmations


An affirmation is simply a statement of your intention for anything. Each day get up and say something positive such as “I love leading meetings at work and know that I can curb the negativity of Gerald by expertly deflecting to positive topics.”


Become Solution Focused


 When you focus on creating solutions for the things you do have control over, it’s naturally going to make you more optimistic as you experience more success.


Optimism is the ability to see the good in whatever is happening now. Even if you sometimes feel down due to something happening if you can think clearly about it while working through it, you’re still an optimistic person. There is nothing wrong with being optimistic about life. After all, most of the time, life is wonderful, especially when you learn to be grateful for the small stuff.


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Learning to Forgive

One thing that can stunt your growth as a human is not knowing how to forgive people. Not forgiving those who have harmed you in some way is a recipe for self-doubt and being stuck in the past unable to move forward happily and successfully. These steps to help you forgive people will help you if you do them.


Pinpoint the Source of Your Pain


You must know how you got hurt very precisely to forgive anyone anything. If you cannot name it, you won’t be able to give the forgiveness you need to move on.


Spell Out Your Hurt Feelings


Once you are sure why you have been hurt and that someone has wronged you or even accidentally hurt you, now you can spell out those feelings to the person. Remember to use “I” statements.


Don’t Forget About You


If the source of your hurt is yourself, that’s okay too. You can also forgive yourself for any part you had in hurting yourself even if ultimately it was someone else. You may own your own role in it while forgiving yourself.

"Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting."


- William Arthur


Dig Deep for Empathy


Even people who have harmed you deserve your empathy. That is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes without ever having experienced the same thing.


Do Not Make Conditions for Forgiveness


When you forgive someone, you cannot make any conditions on the forgiveness, or else it’s not complete, and you may still suffer from the emotions of the hurt if you cannot let it go.


Develop an Attitude of Gratitude in Your Life


Focus on being grateful for everything in your life by keeping a gratitude journal. When you see everything, you have going for you, forgiveness will seem a lot easier.


Trust People Again Until They Prove Otherwise


Even when you’ve been hurt being too timid to live fully can get in the way of your happiness. Instead, trust people as if no one has ever hurt you until they prove otherwise.


Get Professional Assistance


For some people, they may need counseling to learn how to forgive without being a doormat. There are life coaches and certified counselors that can help you.


Remember that forgiveness is something you really do for yourself most of the time. You can forgive people in your heart who you never see again or allow in your life again. You don’t have to be a doormat to be a forgiving person. In fact, the more forgiving you are of others, the easier you are on yourself too. Remember, you are human, as are other humans. Humans are inherently flawed creatures, and that’s okay also.



What Can Hypnosis Do?


Aside from the many varied reputations from the dark and sinister to the beneficial and life-changing, you may be surprised to see what individual hypnosis can do.


In truth and fact, hypnosis is not magic, nor is it an enigma.


It is a phenomenon that continues to shape a better future not just for the practice itself but also for humanity's benefit.


For hundreds of years, people have been baffled by the ability of hypnosis to explore the inner recesses of the human mind, especially the subconscious mind, which is currently the new frontier of science.


Even though science has painted a good picture of individual hypnosis, it still does not encompass the totality of hypnosis, as the mind is still wholly explored.


Hypnosis is the state of inducing a subject to deep relaxation and heightened focus, a somewhat similar concept of altered states from the conscious to the subconscious.


And scientific breakthroughs in treatment and therapy, including cognitive-behavioral activities, can be closely associated with hypnosis.


Here are some of the most common benefits of individual hypnosis in our everyday life.


Among the many treatments around, hypnosis has far better results in abstinence from smoking, eventually leading smokers to kick off the habit.


Where willpower for many surrenders and submit to the old habit, hypnosis is the best solution to developing a positive outlook towards the direct efforts in quitting smoking.


It is just like saying hypnosis creates a positive mental attitude of diverting the idea of a chore to a pleasurable experience.


Hypnosis can help people sleep better, significantly since it can help a lot in controlling dreams or creating an image for the subconscious mind to generate good dreams instead of nightmares.


Hypnosis can help improve personal and professional relationships since hypnosis can play a big part in enhancing your positive outlook and building up your confidence.


Opening to people is your way of opening yourself up to more significant opportunities and broadening your horizons.


Losing weight and keeping it off can be a struggle for others, justifying short-lived dedication to the program.


But with individual hypnosis, positive mental conditioning and reinforcement could help create an impression of a far more appreciative tone on the effects of weight loss, even with a comprehensive exercise regimen.


Individual hypnosis can alter the perception of weight loss programs as a tiring process to a rewarding and conclusive practice, which paves the way for extended dedication or adherence to the program.


It can also help improve prospects and ambitions in life, especially in helping establish a better attitude towards goals and future living and allowing control of temper and mood swings.


As such, improved concentration could be a result or even a tool for which other therapeutic practices can follow suit, from pain and anger management, overcoming personal weaknesses like timidity, shyness, jealousy, anxiety, stress, and phobias, among others.


Hypnosis can also play a significant part in helping you focus on your studies. Perform better in athletics and other sports fields or allow you to absorb more of what your professor delivers during lectures and conferences, making you more intellectually equipped and knowledgeable about many topics and subjects. Or allowing you to increase your academic performance.


In a nutshell, the possibilities are endless, and by now, you can see what individual hypnosis can do for you.

If Covid has you down or you have put on a few winter time pounds my self-hypnosis MP3 can help you lose them fast, without pills, extreme diets, or all that other expensive non-sense. Check it out here...

Weight Control for Women Day & Nighttime MP3

ByDr Rick

Experience Titanium Hypnosis! Just think to be able to relax, reset, and motivate yourself to control your weight, easily make healthier choices all while laying back in the comfort of your own personal space. Your brain will do all the work of interacting with your body in this convenient easy to use self-hypnosis program. Yes, for a full 60 minutes you will regain the confidence needed to control your weight. This premium extended mp3 is compatible for use with any of the national weight loss programs. Note: you get both the Daytime and Nighttime versions.

Weight Control for Men Day & Nighttime MP3

ByDr Rick

Experience Titanium Hypnosis! Just think to be able to relax, reset, and motivate yourself to control your weight, easily make healthier choices all while laying back in the comfort of your own personal space. Your brain will do all the work of interacting with your body in this convenient easy to use self-hypnosis program. Yes, for a full 60 minutes you will regain the confidence needed to control your weight. This premium extended mp3 is compatible for use with any of the national weight loss programs. Note: you get both the Daytime and Nighttime versions.

7 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Quality

7 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Quality


One way to be more successful in life is to be energetic and well-rested. If you cannot sleep well at night or put off sleep to do other things, it can add up. If you’re too sleepy, you will not be as effective in getting things done that you need to do. However, if you make sure you value your sleep by improving your sleep quality using these tips, you will be able to get more done each day with energy.


Turn Your Bedroom into A Sanctuary


Your bedroom should make you feel calm the moment you enter it. Spend the money on a good mattress, comfortable bedding, blackout blinds, and ensure the temperature is conducive to sleep. Additionally, remove all technology possible. If needed, get a sound machine to block out sounds. You want to create a relaxing place that enables you to sleep.


Eat Right and Stay Hydrated


Your digestion or lack thereof plays into your ability to sleep well. Eating a healthy diet at least 80 percent of the time will enable you to experience most of the results of a proper diet. Drink plenty of filtered tap water so that you can stay hydrated. If you drink enough water during the day, your body will grow accustomed to it, and you shouldn’t have to get up a lot at night.


Go to Bed and Get Up at Relatively the Same Time Each Day


A regular schedule is a massive key to sleeping at night. It’s especially essential for anyone who has insomnia. The primary way to cure insomnia is to go to bed and get up simultaneously. Eventually, your body will grow accustomed to it and sleep.


Turn Off Screens A Couple Hours Before Bedtime


The light from all screens is horrible for your circadian rhythm. The same thing is true of sounds like music that can distract your ability to enter deep REM sleep. Turn it all off and read a book. You can read on a book reader but make sure you’re using the INK technology to avoid the blue lights.


Don’t Eat Right Before Bed


Eating before bed will divert your body’s energy toward your digestive system. That can cause you to get heartburn or experience other problems, causing you not to sleep deep and restful. Try to avoid eating snacks two to three hours before bed.


Create a Sleepy Bedtime Routine


Just like children need nighttime routines for bed, it works for adults. Humans thrive on performance, and even if you don’t like that, setting a pattern for bed will work. Take a warm bath, wash your face, brush your teeth, drink some water and then get in the bed to read or meditate.  


Avoid Caffeine After 2 P.M.


So many things that you eat and drink have caffeine, and you may not be aware of how much you are having. If you have trouble sleeping, you may need to eliminate caffeine. However, you can limit it first to see if that works.


The main thing is to set up your life to value sleep. It’s tempting to stay up late at night doing nothing to feel like you have a life, but the best way to have a life is to sleep well each night and schedule your day better, including asking for and getting help from family, friends, and people that you pay to help you.

Our next public event for 2022 will be SATURDAY AT 9 AM EST.

Saturday & Sunday, January 15, 16 9-4 pm Sat. 10-3 pm Sun

Bowling Green Flea Market - 4-H Building

Wood County Fairgrounds, BG, Ohio

Free admission & Parking

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