Subject: 👻Boo, things that go bump in the night, VIP Newsletter is here

VIP Newsletter | October 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 10

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

Ah, October, my favorite time of the year, for it's a time to have a bit of fun and relive some of my history. In the late sixties and early seventies, I spent a great deal of the Halloween season creating theatrical seances and spooky entertainment, conjuring up all kinds of things that go bump in the night. Who doesn't love a good ghost story? But do ghosts haunt us?

A great debate has surged over if spirits remain earthbound and, if so, why? I have a good friend who is a psychic medium, and he has the answers to most of the questions about the spirits of departed loved ones.

If everything is made up of energy, the concept leads one to think that our energy could remain and manifest itself when we pass on. Although the physical body disintegrates, the idea that energy remains after death is something to consider.

If this is true, the energy can manifest itself in many forms and, if powerful enough, can communicate with you by physical means, sound, and in some cases, visually.

According to an experiment called the 21 grams experiment that refers to a scientific study published in 1907 by Duncan MacDougall. Although the sample was small and not enough to be conclusive at the moment of death, the body lost 21 grams. Could this have been the energy leaving the body and going into the either? It does present an interesting although unproven theory.

Regardless of if you believe in ghosts or not, there is nothing like a good ghost tale around a campfire on Halloween night.

As a reminder, the holidays are fast approaching, and we have 4,000 different ways to share JOY with others with a unique gift. Visit and bring some JOY to yourself, a family member, friend, and co-worker. Drop me a note and let me know what you would like to see in future newsletters Until new time...

Health, Wealth, and Inner Peace. - Dr. Rick

8 Methods to Improve Your Memory

Having moments of memory lapse can be overwhelming and freighting. The good news, however, is that there are things you can do to improve your memory. It is important to keep brain health in mind and do proper exercises as early as possible to live, if possible, with a working memory your entire life.


Play brain games â€“ A fun way to improve your memory is by playing games. There are many games available through phone applications, personal computers, or consoles. The most popular brain games application is Lumosity, and it offers daily challenges that promote increased memory function and focus.


Change your diet and exercise routine – Eat a diet rich in produce like fruits and vegetables and include a healthy exercise routine. Make sure you don’t over-exercise. Adopting a healthy diet and exercise routine is essential for proper brain health and function, but you don’t have to go crazy. You only need to move at a moderate pace for at least 150 minutes each week to maintain your health. And of course, eating less processed food is always a good idea.


Eliminate or drink less alcohol â€“ Prolonged consumption of alcohol can harm your memory. Studies have shown that alcohol can alter the brain, which can cause memory loss due to the neurotoxins it produces.

"We do not remember days, we remember moments."

 - Cesare Pavese

Don’t do drugs â€“You may even want to talk with your doctor about certain prescription medications or over-the-counter medications you regularly take to see if there are other options. Your doctor can provide the best information on whether the medication prescribed will affect your memory or not.


Get enough sleep every night â€“ Adequate sleep is not only important for brain memory and function, but sleep also improves your overall mental and physical health. Improper sleep can cause anxiety, weight gain, depression, and much more due to increased corticosterone in your bloodstream. Try to get at least 7 to 10 hours each night so your brain can have time to rebuild and relax.


Get a blood test and supplement where needed â€“ Being low in vitamins, especially Vitamin D, can cause memory problems. Don’t supplement blindly; ask your doctor for a blood test and see their best recommendations. You can over increase and miss out on much-needed supplements if you don’t ask the right professionals. Being low in vitamin D and iron can cause brain fog and memory issues.


Get rid of sugary drinks â€“ Sugar is known to affect memory problems and slow down cognitive function. Research shows that sugar causes inflammation in the brain, which can lead to damage over time.


Don’t procrastinate â€“ Any time you need to study or get a lot of work done, it is essential to avoid procrastinating or cramming it all together. Your brain will likely not remember much of what you tried to pack, and instead, you will only overwhelm yourself. For that reason, set a schedule for your work and get it done.


Improving your memory takes a little bit of work and a few changes in your daily routine but ultimately is essential. Try adding these methods to see overall improved memory and function for your entire life cycle.



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Cultivating Happiness Despite Trials and Tribulations

It is easier for people to dwell in their unhappiness because the feelings they experience can be overwhelming. However, happiness can be a choice, and there are ways to cultivate it despite the trials and tribulations you may be experiencing.


Record lessons you learned â€“ Through every hardship, there is a lesson to be discovered at the end. Without failure, you cannot understand, and sometimes failure is the best to learn. Anytime you feel down, think about what lesson you might need to know and then find a way to be grateful for that lesson.


Practice gratitude â€“ Learn to be thankful for what you have at any given time. If you feel hopeless, stop and look around. Find gratitude in the simple things in life. The air smells good, and you have running water, and you love your cat. Whatever it is, you will start to feel better and happier almost instantly.


Practicing gratitude is a great exercise to bring positivity and perspective to your world. Try writing down three positive lessons you learned each evening before bed in your journal.

"Let your joy scream across the pain."

 - Terri Guillemets

Know your purpose â€“ Give yourself time to figure out what you want to do with your time and your goal. What do you enjoy doing, and what makes you truly happy? Is there something you can’t wait to get up to do, or is it hard to go to sleep because you want to keep doing that thing? Explore that more and start doing more of what makes you feel good.


You can be sad while being happy â€“ It is essential to understand that feelings of happiness and sadness can be experienced simultaneously. You could be sorry about a situation you are going through while being overwhelmingly happy about a different position you are in that maybe you wouldn’t even be in the first place if the other situation didn’t happen.


Try to choose happiness â€“ Any time you make the conscious effort to choose to be happy, you’ll find that life is much more enjoyable. If you find yourself being sad too often, take a step back and say, “I will be happy right now,” and do it. Let go of whatever it may be that makes you unhappy; you can’t change it right this minute anyway, so move forward.


Know your life goals and destiny â€“ Keep on this path no matter what. Achieving your goals and continuing on the road, taking you to your goals will keep you happy no matter how many obstacles get in the way. Just keep going on as you jump right over each burden and pick yourself back up each time.


Do more fun things â€“ Don’t wait around for fun things to happen to you. Make them happen. What do you enjoy doing the most? Figure it out, do it, and don’t be afraid to do it alone or invite people to do it with you. It is OK to do things alone, but it is also OK to do something because you want to and have those you love to experience it with you.


Working towards happiness may not seem easy, but it can be done if you follow these tips. Don’t let negative feelings control you. Actively work on learning the lessons you are supposed to be learning in life to experience true happiness.



If you Can Build a Bad Habit, You Can Build a Good Habit

Habits are actions, thoughts, beliefs, or values adopted over time and then accomplished without much thought. Essentially, a habit is a behavior that comes second nature to you.

Some habits can be helpful, and some patterns can be harmful. The exciting fact is that bad habits can be turned into good habits, which only takes a little work and dedication.

The following are a few ways you can build good habits:

·         Start small â€“ Don't do too much all at once. You can't expect to get rid of or change all your bad habits overnight. Pick the most crucial bad habit you want to get rid of first and only focus on it. Once you get rid of it or are used to working on it, you can start working on other bad habits. Always give yourself enough time.


·         Understand why â€“ Before you get started, make sure you clearly understand why you believe the habits you want to get rid of are bad or why you want to create a new pattern, which will motivate you to keep going.


·         Stick to a plan â€“ Set up a goal and stick to it. A habit is developed by repetition, so don't expect to create a pattern without practice. Forming a plan and sticking to it helps in the first month or so. If you have no direction on how to get there, implement at least two to three tasks that need to be done to get there.


·         Try the 21-day rule â€“ If anything, you could always set up a challenge and follow the common 21-day law. Experts say it takes 21 days of the same behavior to form or get rid of a habit. For example, if you would like to reduce your coffee intake, you can say for the next 21 days, you are only allowed one cup of coffee in the morning or none. Then create a tracking sheet to make sure you do accomplish it each day to form the habit.


·         Tell everyone you know– Let everyone you are around, your friends, family, and even coworkers what you are working. This way, they are aware that this will be your new regular. If none of your pears are aware that you would like to implement a new daily exercise habit, they may never encourage you to get there and can only get in the way.

Make sure you work on developing good habits daily. You cannot expect anything to happen without work or a plan. If you genuinely want to get rid of your bad habits and develop good ones, you will have no problem extending a program and sticking to it.  


Check out my newest hand crafted wire wrap jewelry items, exclusively at the shows. Each one is a one of a kind perfect gift for that special person, co-worker or friend.

Our next public event for 2021 will be SATURDAY AT 9 AM EST.

October 2, 3 - 9am - 5pm

Pickers Paradise

Henry County Fairgrounds

4-H Building Flower wing Eastside of building

Napoleon, OH

October 10, 9am - 5pm

Apple Butter Festival

Snyders Pizza Parking Lot East Main Street

Grand Rapids, OH

October 16, 17 9am - 4pm Sat 10am - 3pm Sun

BG Flea Market

Wood County Fairgrounds

Bowling Green, OH

October 23, 24 9am - 4pm Sat 10am - 3pm Sun

Home Sweet Home Craft & Vendor Show

Allen County Fairgrounds

Lima, OH

(Subject to change, Covid Mandates, and Weather)

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