Subject: 🔮 Hi Friend Here's your Dr. Rick's VIP Member Newsletter

Hi it;s Dr. Rick, here it is a new month and a new VIP newsletter just for you.

Concerns about the stock market tanking has caused a lot of concern. The market goes up and goes down just like the oceans tide. Hang tight and speak with your financial advisor before making any quick decisions. Intuitively and my opinan only is to hang tight.

Health wise the concern is all about the Coronavirus. Again use good judgement, take the same precautions that you would with any cold or flu. Wash hands often. If you feel sick let your medical doctor know. If you think your sick stay home and limit contact with other. It;s all just common sense stuff. Statically normal flu claims many more victims than we have with this. Again I'm not a medical doctor and can only comment on holistic issues. Keep your air at home fresh, use things like lemons to clean and wipe things down. Get real answers not the media hype. This too shall pass.

Don;t let negativity overwhelm you. The best medicine is the medicine of laughter. A joke a day keeps the doctor away.

Lets get to the VIP Member newsletter for March, click here:

Health, Wealth & Peace - Dr. Rick