Subject: 🔮 Hi Friend I didn't see what happened last night coming.

I'm a bit late getting the June newsletter uploaded, but honestly, I have a good reason... The main desktop computer that I use for most all my business work decided last night to take a dump. With the help of my brother, he virtually did his wizardry and got me up and running so without further ado...

Welcome to the June newsletter. Well, people are getting out a little now, But we're living in turbulent times. I was reading an article about how the Universal Energy is all out of balance right now. Others are saying Mother nature is taking care of business. Whatever the reason it has changed us.

All live events have been canceled, but if you need any supplies like Sage I have it and can get it to you. Just let me know by email or Facebook messenger with what you need.

My Facebook page is:

I have some timely articles in the newsletter this month be sure to take a look.

One other project I have started is a long time desire to write and illustrate a children's book on Stranger Dangers that is a passion of mine as some of you know. The writing of the book was easy the illustration part is more difficult as it is something I haven't done for years.

So let's get right to it, here's your link for this months VIP Newsletter. :

Health - Wealth - Inner Peace

  • Dr. (Taking care of business) Rick

PS, If you have any problems opening the newsletter let me know.

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