Subject: 💓 Hi Friend Don't Worry, Be Happy Your VIP Newsletter is Here.

Don't worry, be happy,

Do you remember the Bobby McFerrin calypso song, Don't Worry Be Happy? If not you can find it on YouTube. The song couldn't help but put a smile on your face.

With all that's going on most will agree that we have gone through a pretty rough year so far. But don't let your heart be troubled. As with all things this to shall pass and we will get through it. There has been a lot of stress put on us and it may be hard to "Be happy" however that is what will get us through and put the needed energy into the Universe that is vital for recovery.

In this month's VIP newsletter I have 7 tips to enjoy life more and also ways to boost your own self-esteem and those around you.

So let's get right to it, here's your link for this months VIP Newsletter. :

Health - Wealth - Inner Peace

  • Dr. (Let's Be Happy) Rick

PS, If you have any problems opening the newsletter let me know.

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