Subject: 🎁 Friend, What a mess! Dec Newsletter

VIP Newsletter | December 2020 | Vol 1 Issue 12

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

What a mess 2020 has turned out to be. Far beyond what any prognosticators predicted. This just verifies my thoughts that even though you may have intuitive insights nothing is 100% and you can be following down the river of life and the bend ahead has an unforeseen rapid that rocks you.

Life will go on, although much changed for many, there will be winners and losers but the good news is that I have attempted to bring insights and ways to get through things by using the Universe within us.

As we celebrate the upcoming holidays stay positive, stay strong, and stay the course.

  • Dr. Rick

5 Reasons to Volunteer During the Holidays


While many families get together and use the holidays to celebrate, some struggle more during this time of year. Because of this problem, volunteering during the holidays is crucial. Volunteer your skills and time at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, or food pantries.


You can also sign up for gift giving programs or provide donations to other organizations that provide necessities to children during the holidays. However, you choose to volunteer – there are as many ways to do it as there are reasons to do it.


Spread Holiday Cheer


Even if people who do not personally celebrate the holiday can still use this time to spread positivity and love, any reason to do so is a good one. Attitudes are contagious, and nothing Is better than the feeling of making other people happy and excited. Seriously, how can you be sad when wearing an “ugly” holiday sweater and talking to people?


More Time to Give


Luckily, the holidays mean time for vacation or time off work. This makes it an excellent opportunity to volunteer this holiday and provides more time to give to those who are less fortunate. Even if you work for yourself, often the holidays are a period of slow down unless you do momentous events for your family.


"Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?"

    - Martin Luther King, Jr.



Family Togetherness


Build and repair family bonds and find ways to connect by volunteering your time together. The holidays are all about being together, which makes it a great time to volunteer together as a family. Bake treats together and run a bake sale or host a neighborhood food drive.  It’s fun to help other people together.


To Learn Gratitude


Helping others can help strengthen your gratitude. Offering help to the less fortunate really does highlight and point out to you the many comforts and things that you are thankful to have. The more appreciation you have, the more your relationships and happiness will strengthen.


People Need More Help Now


Unfortunately, the holidays can be the most difficult for those who are not privileged. It is challenging to find a warm place to stay, to get warm, and find healthy food.


Not to mention that even if they’re not homeless, many people struggle financially to be able to see their family and maybe lonely. If there is any reason to get out during the holidays and volunteer, this is by far the most important.


There are so many reasons to volunteer this holiday season, and the list doesn’t stop here. Helping others also strengthens communities and restores faith in humanity, for you and for those you help. It feels good inside to do these things.


In fact, often, volunteering can feel a little selfish because you will feel so great doing it. Volunteering during the holidays is good for your overall well-being, mental health, and happiness.

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Social Anxiety This Holiday Season


The holidays are coming in full swing, and your anxiety is starting to take over your life. You know holidays mean more time around friends, family, and even co-workers that you don’t necessarily want to be around.


If you suffer from social anxiety, the holidays can be exhausting and hard to handle. Thankfully, there are many ways you can get a handle on your social anxiety so that you can enjoy holiday experiences with your friends and family.


Eat Healthily


With the holidays approaching, it means that there will be plenty of temptations for sweets or unhealthy treats. Try your best to stay on track and only treat yourself a little bit. Symptoms of anxiety can be worse or improved depending on your diet, so keep it healthy while also enjoying a bite or two of the good stuff.


Talk About It

Be open and honest about how you are feeling during family or other holiday social gatherings. It is likely they feel the same way and talking about it can lessen your worries.


No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

 - Eleanor Roosevelt


Allow Time for Selfcare


If you have social anxiety, you likely tend to feel drained or overwhelmed after a social encounter. Make sure you take the appropriate time to care for yourself and get the space you need to recharge. There is nothing wrong with needing your personal space as long as you don’t take it too far.


Adjust Expectations


Stop expecting so much from yourself. Likely, their expectations are not as high as you are setting them. Think about what you expect from others. If it is high, change it and give people a break. However, it is likely your expectations of others are extremely low, and that’s usually the case for others as well. Give yourself a break and realize it's okay to break or not meet their expectations of you too.


Say No When You Need To


You don’t have to do something or be around everyone all the time, even on an important holiday. Learn to and permit yourself to say no when you need to. If you need to stay away, do it, and be clear about why.


Don’t let your social anxiety ruin the occasion or the excitement of the holidays. Use these strategies to manage your social anxiety. Remember, just because it is the holidays doesn’t mean that you can’t step back if you need to.

How to Keep the Peace During Difficult Holiday Events?

The holidays can be quite a stressful time for many families. It is a time for large family gatherings, some of whom may not have seen each other in a while, and often the first time in months or years.

Unfortunately for some families, these gatherings are not always peaceful or blissful, like you see on every holiday greeting card or in your favorite holiday movie. However, bringing the family together does not need to be difficult, and many things can be done to keep the peace.

Avoid Sensitive Issues or Topics

Family members know precisely what subject will set the other person off. Do not contribute to this and avoid it at all costs. The holiday is not the time to cause a divide. If there are issues that are too important for you to forget, then avoid attending the gathering or try to make amends beforehand.

There is a time and place to make sure your family understands you, but don’t do it during a time of celebration. You could damage your relationship forever using a holiday to reveal something or do anything that causes problems.

Always Have Open Communication

Humans are not perfect, and we need to allow open communication to understand and learn when we make mistakes. You cannot know something is wrong if the other person doesn’t tell you. You must allow this space and let others be open and honest, even if it may hurt or seem inflammatory.

Allowing open communication from the start will prevent tensions during the holidays because the things that need to be said have been said all year long. If you understand each other better, it is unlikely any hurt feelings can be overcome.

Learn to Let Go

Don’t hold grudges and don’t allow you, family, to either. Deal with the problem right away. If something is getting in the way of enjoying the holiday, find a healthy and tension-free way of dealing with it. The more you hold onto negative energy, the more likely everyone and everything around you will become negative too.

Invest in Family Traditions

If you don’t have any family traditions, start them now. Find things that will bring the family together in a positive way that has nothing to do with the issues that typically cause stress and discomfort.

Find a way to be together and laugh. Use the time the family has together to do everything together and not leave anyone out. Even cleaning together is a great way to ease the relationship. Better yet, get out a game to get people together in a happy and stress-free way. Bonding exercises can heal and empower any relationship.

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