Subject: Why you're failing and how to fix it

Hello Friend,

Kissa Smith here, Founder of Life So Abundant™.

In September of last year you had expressed an interest in becoming a Magnetic and Powerful Marketer and Entrepreneur having willingly signed up for the "Four Percent - Ecommerce Entrepreneur video training series via my personal invitation.

It's now almost the mid of 2018 and I just wanted to check in with you to find out how has your Internet Marketing and Online Entrepreneurship ventures been going for you?

If you're happy with the results you're currently getting in your marketing, business and life - then go ahead and close this.

If, however, you're not - read on!

Most people who try to build an online business and fail over and over again are failing because of TWO things (and most of them don't even realize it):

1. Getting wrong information (and lots of it).
2. Having no clear direction to follow (just a bunch of theory).

Everything basically boils down to those 2 things.

Tell me if you've experienced something like this:

You keep buying stuff, investing more and more money on products, going to events, working hard, but at the end of the day, you feel like something is missing still...

You're getting very little or no results.

Here's why - you're being fed fluff and a bunch of theory.

Look, you don't need more information - you need RESULTS.


If you're truly sick and tired of being sick and tired and want to finally start getting real results in your business, marketing, bank account, and life - here's how you can fix all that and completely change everything fast:

1. Go here and take the Four Percent Challenge now.

2. Follow the step-by-step guide, and in your first 5 days you'll never be the same again.

You'll notice a major transformation almost immediately.

Now, with all the hype out there, I don't expect you to believe what I just told you ... That's why I will say this -

Just go and see for yourself here.

You'll thank me later (... in about the first 2-5 days) :-)


Alright, go here take the Challenge for yourself.

Talk soon,
Life So Abundant™, 1320 NW 78th Ave.ShipMe 6887 KIN, 33191, Miami, United States
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